Science 2.0

The Sexual Evolution - Gender And Nature May Be More Complex Than You Believe
If you're in a binary world you may have decided one thing about my beliefs in the first eight words of that paragraph and then something else after the rest of it. If you insist there is no binary in biological sex, I hope you at least consider the existence of irony in making sweeping generalizations about the psychology of people based on one issue.
Summer Lectures In AI
Wealthy People, Stop Buying That Elite Raw Pet Food, You Are Killing Your Cat
Those are three giant preventable disease vectors for and the west coast is still doing all of them. The latest disease spreader for wealthy progressive elites is Wild Coast Raw of Olympia frozen Boneless Free Range Chicken Formula raw pet food for cats. It is probably contaminated with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 also known as bird flu.
Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) Vaccine Shows Promise For Pancreatic Cancer
That all changed when Moderna said they could make a COVID-19 vaccine fast, they just needed the bloated federal government and its need to make companies spend 18 months getting approval for a font color on a product label to instead get out of the way. The Trump administration did just that and by the end of 2020 it was being rushed to those on the medical front lines.(2)
What Will Become Of Reality?
For convenience, let’s say it started with Photoshop. That program made it obvious not only that we couldn’t believe our eyes any more, but that photographic evidence could no longer be admissible in court. Socioeconomic implications were even wider, as new industries popped up with products purporting to tell unretouched photos from photoshopped ones. (And the trademarked noun gave rise to a verb!)
Trump Administration Authorizes $100 Million For New Vaccine Research
Hundreds of millions fewer chickens mean expensive eggs, and poor people who suffered through 44% food inflation were counting on lower prices.
Female Physicians 50% More Likely To Commit Suicide
PFAS: Environmental Working Group Is Thrilled Republican Allies Are in Power
Welcome to politicization of science in the 2020s. Just a few years ago, Republicans were the enemy of anti-science activists, but now the Trump administration has an environmental conspiracy theorist in the Cabinet. Science won't matter and that's good for environmental lawyers.
Scientization Of Politics: Seed Oils Are The Latest Nocebo Fad
The harms weren't recently discovered, they've still never been discovered. They're not harmful so nothing has changed except the demographic criticizing them flipped from endorsing them. They were never healthier for you either, despite claims by people touted as experts, because those claims were also based on mouse studies and food surveys. It is just the pendulum of money-driven nutrition culture that goes where political winds take them.
Anti-Science Epidemiologists Have A New Friend In Government
Being the opposition to science in academia is a good place to be. They can get a publication to check off that annual box and nothing much will change. They won't get any blame.
Prop 65 Is A California Gimmick That Raises Prices For The Poor
Not only will you find warning labels on nearly every product inside a Walmart, a warning label is on the outside, to warn you that the brick and glass has been "linked to" cancer.
KM3NeT: Most Energetic Neutrino In The Universe Detected
The event, KM3-230213A, is the first evidence that neutrinos of such high energies are produced in the Universe and the most energetic neutrino ever observed.
My Most Important Column Ever
This column deals with political opposition, resistance, and the future of the nation. It dissects the Trump-Musk financial bromance and the role of VP Vance. Bear with me to its end, then please comment pro, con, or in between.
Shadow action
Chocolate Is A Treat - It's Not An 'Antioxidant' Or Anything Except Valentine's Day Candy
Unsupervised Tracking
The Paris Agreement Is Only Symbolic - And Helping Nothing
Yet very little has changed, because every country gets to arbitrarily decide for itself how it can meet its goal, or if it should have a goal at all.(1) That's how useless the Paris Agreement is.
When Told Lower Incomes Mean Less School Funding, College Students Become More Liberal
A lot of people born in the US would rather be born in a place where they can never get rich but more things are free for the poor. They're not wrong, normal human psychological variation means most people would rather not compete if given a choice. That is seen all across the animal kingdom.
The Earth Beneath Our Feet: How The Zagros Mountains Are Shaping The Middle East
The Zagros Mountains are nestled in Iran, northern Iraq, and southeastern Turkey, and are the scene of an unfolding geological story deep beneath it.
Yellowstone Wolves: Good For Urban Environmentalists, Bad For Everyone Else
The data they used were collected from 20 streams during the years 2001 to 2020 and they note the aboveground biomass increase is due to a lot fewer elk, which was caused by a lot more wolves. "Balance of nature" wins.
HIms Telehealth Company Under Fire For Super Bowl Ad
No real issue there, the products are well-established and a phone call or website consultation is more convenient and far faster than visiting a doctor's office in the modern Obamacare milieu. It's entering the compounded glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists (GLP-1) injections market that got them new scrutiny.