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Updated: 9 min 38 sec ago

President Biden Calls It 'Good Neighbor', The Supreme Court Calls It Unconstitutional

Jun 28 2024 - 11:06
New York makes a big show of banning natural gas and nuclear energy while preventing brownouts across Manhattan by buying natural gas from neighboring Pennsylvania.

President Biden's EPA recently decided that not only should New York be allowed hypocrisy about the sources of its that even Russia-addicted Germany thought was laughable, he wanted Democratic states to be able to sue Republican ones for the emissions created by selling energy to the wealthy elites nearby. So California could sue Idaho and even states as far away as Utah because those states keep Governor Newsom from being the target of a recall vote yet again by selling energy - all the state would have to do is claim PM2.5 "virtual" pollution is wafting over the Sierra Nevadas.

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FDA: America Has Created Health inequity In Men

Jun 27 2024 - 14:06
The National Center for Health Statistics shows that average life expectancy for American men in 2022 was down to 74.8 years, 5.4 years lower than American women.

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CRISPR Isn't a GMO But Italian Eco-Terrorists Destroy It Anyway

Jun 27 2024 - 12:06
Last week, eco-terrorists attacked and destroyed a new optimized rice called Telemaco Ris8imo, using genetic engineering (assisted evolution techniques) so that it needs less fungicide.

Rice is one of those rather ridiculous crops that western government subsidize and people who don't know anything about agriculture believe needs to be covered in water to grow. It is actually covered in water in Asia to keep it safe from...nature.(1) In many places, water takes energy and if we care about climate change, we want less energy pumping water or importing rice from China on emissions-belching ships. Science to the rescue. So scientists created a rice with three genes tweaked to make it naturally resistant to Pyricularia oryzae, rice blast fungus. 

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More State Run Liquor Stores May Prevent Suicides

Jun 26 2024 - 05:06
Suicide is the runaway leader in gun deaths in the United States and a new demography paper says more government control of the alcohol business might provide a solution for that, and homicides also.

This was a statistical analysis, so only EXPLORATORY, but they correlate more restrictive alcohol laws with a reduction in specific states’ homicide rates. The authors at RAND used the Alcohol Policy Scale index, which measures state-year alcohol policy environments, higher is more social authoritarian, lower is more freedom, plus vital deaths data (total homicides, total suicides, firearm homicides, and firearm suicides) drawn from the National Vital Statistics System.

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Utah Shows California How To Provide Real Clean Energy

Jun 25 2024 - 12:06
Each year when air conditioners are needed, California has to ask EPA for permission to violate federal emissions standards and burn enough natural gas to keep the brown-outs that nearly got Governor Gavin Newsom recalled from happening again.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Monsanto Trial Judge: Zhang Glyphosate Meta-Analysis Is Nonsense

Jun 21 2024 - 14:06
Trial lawyers suing over a popular weedkiller saw six words they never want to read in a court document approving a motion to dismiss a study they consider vital to their future yacht payments: "Zhang’s meta-analysis is junk science."

This is not just authoritative, it is humiliating.

It doesn't end there. The court saw through their pay-to-publish scam and was immune to their time-honored technique of immediately having a bunch of other papers cite it to increase its impact factor and H-index.

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Opposer At A PhD Defense

Jun 21 2024 - 06:06
Yesterday I was in Oslo, where I was invited tro serve as the leading opposer in the Ph.D. defense of a student of Alex Read, who is a particle physicist and a member of the ATLAS collaboration. Although I have served in similar committees several times in the past, this turned out to be a special experience for me for a couple of reasons.

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Categories: Science 2.0

The World Is Richer Than Ever, But It's Not Due To Communism Or Capitalism, It's Science

Jun 20 2024 - 15:06
There are lots of stories about the poor in America, and have been for decades. Smart demographers know that, like racism, if everyone is talking about The Poor, it's almost eliminated.

One of the giant cracks in the communist dictatorship called the USSR last century was when the television program "60 Minutes" had a segment on poverty in America. It was designed to tug at the heartstrings of those with more money. The USSR ran it for their citizens but it actually backfired. Being in 'poverty' in America meant having a television and more living space than anyone not an elite in the Soviet Union had.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Sen. Sanders Still Opposes Nuclear Energy But The American Science Community Marches On

Jun 19 2024 - 16:06
If you tell me an old white person in America opposes nuclear power, I can tell you how they vote. I can also tell you with alarming accuracy what they think about lots of science, like food and medicine. They think natural gas is why climate change happens.

The reality is that climate change happened due to...them. Democrats gutted nuclear energy in America 30 years ago. Democrats cheered when Senator John Kerry and President Bill Clinton declared that any nuclear energy research could be a nuclear bomb. This was the capstone of a 30-year effort to undermine nuclear power in America, with politicians, their supporters, and allies in corporate media invoking the Precautionary Principle and saying any risk was too much.

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EU Environmentalists Pull A Fast One On Austria To Get A 'Nature Restoration Law' No One Wants

Jun 18 2024 - 16:06
Austrian Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler took one for the environmental team to push through a new environmental bill that few want.

If there is one positive thing that Russia invading Ukraine accomplished, it's forcing Europeans to stop being hypocrites about where their food and energy really derives. It is not Europe, and has not been since they started shutting off coal plants and nuclear energy and claimed solar and wind only needed political will to take over.(1) And that Russian organic food imports were anything more than a placebo in sticker form.(2)

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Categories: Science 2.0

Farmers Won't Be Replaced By AI But Environmentalists Opposing Agriculture Will

Jun 18 2024 - 13:06
A news article says that 2024 fact checkers are having a hard time keeping up with all of the disinformation and misinformation surrounding the American presidential election. While progressive activists want to allege it's only by the right-wing, that isn't true at all.(1) 

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Categories: Science 2.0

Anti-Science Academics In The US Are Why Golden Rice Isn't Embraced By Developing Countries

Jun 17 2024 - 13:06
There is no question that American academia is driven more by politics and cultural agendas than being trusted guides for the public, and a new paper by the European Society of Medicine shows that militancy is a key reason why countries which could benefit the most from Golden Rice are terrified of science.

Golden Rice, fortified with β-carotene that becomes vitamin A in the body, should be prized by progressives who mask their hatred of science behind "distrust" of corporations, because it has no corporate control. It is entirely public domain, created by academics to help the world.

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Categories: Science 2.0

A Boom In Carbon Capture Is Upon Us, But The Impact On Greenhouse Gas Emissions Is Uncertain

Jun 14 2024 - 09:06

Carbon capture and storage (CCS), the process of separating, treating and transporting carbon dioxide (CO

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Categories: Science 2.0

For Millennials, The Midlife Crisis Is Inability To Have A Midlife Crisis

Jun 13 2024 - 14:06
It's only psychology surveys so take that for what it's worth but the authors of a new questionnaire with a suspect confidence interval claim millennials are so whiny they say they can't even have a midlife crisis like previous generations.

They can't afford it.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Dinosaurs And Aliens On The Moon: Harvard Found A Way To Stop Talk About Their Anti-Semitism

Jun 12 2024 - 17:06
Harvard has found the perfect way to get old liberals to stop yelling at their young progressives due the school's antisemitism, a chronic reality they didn't want exposed in an election year: claim that aliens, cryptoterrestrials, are living in a secret base on the moon. With dinosaurs.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Ultra-Processed Food Fetishists Have Turned On Vegans

Jun 11 2024 - 15:06
What do you get when you combine food diaries of suspect reliability with an agenda against Big Food?

A prominent epidemiologist. No methodology is deemed too shoddy to manufacture "statistical significance" because few in food epidemiology seem to recognize how useless that is as a barometer for "legitimate result."

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Categories: Science 2.0

The Anti-Science Left Is Now Against Misinformation, Because The Right Caught Up To Them In It

Jun 11 2024 - 12:06
Do you believe bees are dying, that GMOs 'need more study', modern pesticides cause impotence?

If so, I know how you vote, and that you would be a great fit as a humanities academic claiming to be an expert about science. Like historian Dr. Naomi Oreskes, who sees conspiracies everywhere except in her tribe, even if a domestic front group for her political party got a gigantic mysterious off-shore anonymous donation through a donor-advised fund because they routinely promoted Russia Today and Sputnik and oppose American science in Russia's two largest exports, energy and food.

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Categories: Science 2.0

If Acupuncture Weren't A Placebo, It Would Be Real Medicine, So It Can't Help With Infertility

Jun 11 2024 - 11:06
What plausible biological mechanism can explain how sticking tiny needs in your neck helps you get pregnant?

There is none, and yet Traditional Chinese "Medicine", also known as acupuncture but under a variety of terms such as folk medicine, traditional medicine, alternative medicine, complementary medicine...and then whatever new rebrand needs to be done when people stop paying for the old one. Mumbo-jumbo about Yin And Yang and Dao and Modalities and Mindfulness are fine, as long as you consult a real doctor. If you went to a legitimate specialist and got treatment but are convinced "music therapy" helped you get pregnant, okay, but don't pretend you should write a book about it.

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Categories: Science 2.0

With No Environmentalists To Block Science, A Communist Dictatorship Vaults Ahead In Food

Jun 11 2024 - 11:06
Like all countries with a plan, China regards food as a strategic resource, so while western nations dither about new foods that require fewer pesticides and less water on less land, the communist dictatorship is moving ahead.

This time with genetically engineered wheat. The product that eco-terrorists in the US wouldn't even allowed to be grown in a contained field without engaging in destruction. Environmentalists hate science that much.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Despite Lacking Science, FDA Made 10,000 Vaping Products Illegal. Now It Wants More Armed Agents To Enforce It

Jun 11 2024 - 10:06
It will be up to science history to try and gain insight into the reasons the federal government engaged in "Reefer Madness" narratives about marijuana, and then backed off that yet did the same to smoking cessation and harm reduction tools like vaping.

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Categories: Science 2.0