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Updated: 47 min 29 sec ago

Is Reverse Chirality Research a Legitimate Worry Like Gain of Function or Hype Like Recombinant DNA Concern?

Dec 12 2024 - 16:12
Nearly 50 years ago, Democrats wanted to ban recombinant DNA technology while scientists wanted to make insulin without needing a pancreas from a steer. Both sides won. Beef pancreas is no longer needed and the FDA still treats GMOs like they are a 'cure for cancer' claim in the 1970s while using high costs and bureaucracy to prevent small companies from getting into the insulin market.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Is Reverse Chirality Research a Legitimate Worry Like Gain of Function or Hype Like Recombinant DNA Concern?

Dec 12 2024 - 16:12
Nearly 50 years ago, Democrats wanted to ban recombinant DNA technology while scientists wanted to make insulin without needing a pancreas from a steer. Both sides won. Beef pancreas is no longer needed and the FDA still treats GMOs like they are a 'cure for cancer' claim in the 1970s while using high costs and bureaucracy to prevent small companies from getting into the insulin market.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Nanopesticides May Be In Our Organic Farming Future

Dec 12 2024 - 11:12
Friends of the Earth and other litigation groups opposed to science are cheering the closure of AquaBounty's AquAdvantage salmon - the poster-child (decades of regulatory roadblocks) for how the US regulatory system is manipulated by lawyers to hold back technology and medicine - but progress marches on despite the public relations campaign by Greenpeace, NRDC, and others who stand against it.

Their persistent efforts to get pesticides either banned or regulated so tightly they act as bans have been wildly successful during the Biden years, but with Chevron Deference overturned at the Supreme Court political appointees can no longer get science banned by using agencies to create regulations that act like laws.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Nanopesticides May Be In Our Farming Future

Dec 12 2024 - 11:12
Friends of the Earth and other litigation groups opposed to science are cheering the closure of AquaBounty's AquAdvantage salmon - the poster-child (decades of regulatory roadblocks) for how the US regulatory system is manipulated by lawyers to hold back technology and medicine - but progress marches on despite the public relations campaign by Greenpeace, NRDC, and others who stand against it.

Their persistent efforts to get pesticides either banned or regulated so tightly they act as bans have been wildly successful during the Biden years, but with Chevron Deference overturned at the Supreme Court political appointees can no longer get science banned by using agencies to create regulations that act like laws.

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Categories: Science 2.0

The End Of Alcohol Is Nigh

Dec 11 2024 - 11:12
Two Presidents ago, political appointees engaged in behavior that didn't make much sense(1) and had no benefit for public health. For example, they declared there was an epidemic of something they invented called "pre-diabetes" and insisted that smoking cessation tools that were twice as effective as gums and patches but were not controlled by Big Pharma, plus cigars and pipes that have never killed anyone, were an epidemic in kids.

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Categories: Science 2.0

The End Of Alcohol Is Nigh

Dec 11 2024 - 11:12
Two Presidents ago, political appointees engaged in behavior that didn't make much sense(1) and had no benefit for public health. For example, they declared there was an epidemic of something they invented called "pre-diabetes" and insisted that smoking cessation tools that were twice as effective as gums and patches but were not controlled by Big Pharma, plus cigars and pipes that have never killed anyone, were an epidemic in kids.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Nissan Leaf Is The Worst Electric Car In The Winter

Dec 10 2024 - 16:12
A few years ago, Nissan was the leader in electric cars. Now they may go bankrupt due to the electric car business. 

Some of it is that other companies are just smarter. An American company that sees Democrats are going to mandate and subsidize electric cars, dictating a percentage of cars sold, wisely fire employees and cut lines to be the most profitable in the pool of money that government mandates. And some cars are just better. 

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Categories: Science 2.0

Nissan Leaf Is The Worst Electric Car In The Winter

Dec 10 2024 - 16:12
A few years ago, Nissan was the leader in electric cars. Now they may go bankrupt due to the electric car business. 

Some of it is that other companies are just smarter. An American company that sees Democrats are going to mandate and subsidize electric cars, dictating a percentage of cars sold, wisely fire employees and cut lines to be the most profitable in the pool of money that government mandates. And some cars are just better. 

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Categories: Science 2.0

Alcohol Increases Your Pain Threshold - And Your Threshold For Inflicting It

Dec 06 2024 - 14:12
"I feel your pain" is a common empathy cliché but we know the opposite is true in some, and it changes how they interact with the world. 

After Dutch film director Theo van Gogh put out "Submission: Part 1" , which criticized the treatment of women in Islam, he was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri, who ranted about a "Jewish cabal" and later directed to van Gogh's mother, "I don't feel your pain, because I believe you're an infidel."

Racism and intolerance take away empathy for others,(1) but so does alcohol.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Alcohol Increase Your Pain Threshold - And Your Threshold For Inflicting It

Dec 06 2024 - 14:12
"I feel your pain" is a common empathy cliché but we know the opposite is true in some, and it changes how they interact with the world. 

After Dutch film director Theo van Gogh put out "Submission: Part 1" , which criticized the treatment of women in Islam, he was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri, who ranted about a "Jewish cabal" and later directed to van Gogh's mother, "I don't feel your pain, because I believe you're an infidel."

Racism and intolerance take away empathy for others,(1) but so does alcohol.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Biden Administration Stopped The Youth Vaping Epidemic That Wasn't

Dec 05 2024 - 17:12
Vaping in kids had its day. While useful before and since for smoking cessation and harm reduction in cigarette smokers, vaping only became a fad in teens when, as predicted, social authoritarians in the Obama administration declared it an epidemic - if on a survey a young person claimed to have tried one in the previous year and began rolling out commercials of children filmed in black and white looking like zombies.(1) 

It was Reefer Madness for the 2010s and did the same thing Reefer Madness did; it caused teens to think it was cool to outrage their elders.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Biden Administration Stopped The Youth Vaping Epidemic That Wasn't

Dec 05 2024 - 17:12
Vaping in kids had its day. While useful before and since for smoking cessation and harm reduction in cigarette smokers, vaping only became a fad in teens when, as predicted, social authoritarians in the Obama administration declared it an epidemic - if on a survey a young person claimed to have tried one in the previous year and began rolling out commercials of children filmed in black and white looking like zombies.(1) 

It was Reefer Madness for the 2010s and did the same thing Reefer Madness did; it caused teens to think it was cool to outrage their elders.

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Categories: Science 2.0

RAW FARM milk in California recalled Due To Bird Flu

Dec 04 2024 - 10:12
The 'natural' movement is not evidence-based but the beliefs of progressives that modern science is killing us and ancient ways are more nutritious usually aren't harmful. Your risk of E. coli and higher levels of toxic pesticides from organic food is certainly greater, but in a relative risk sense all food is safe.

Except raw milk. Like sushi when you are pregnant, the risks, in this case 700X the harmful outbreaks of pasteurized milk, are not worth it, and anyone who has seen a dairy farm and isn't selling raw milk to rich coastal elites knows it.

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Categories: Science 2.0

RAW FARM milk in California recalled Due To Bird Flu

Dec 04 2024 - 10:12
The 'natural' movement is not evidence-based but the beliefs of progressives that modern science is killing us and ancient ways are more nutritious usually aren't harmful. Your risk of E. coli and higher levels of toxic pesticides from organic food is certainly greater, but in a relative risk sense all food is safe.

Except raw milk. Like sushi when you are pregnant, the risks, in this case 700X the harmful outbreaks of pasteurized milk, are not worth it, and anyone who has seen a dairy farm and isn't selling raw milk to rich coastal elites knows it.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Anti-Science Progressives Are Cheering Trump-Era Science Being Banned Before He Takes Office Again

Dec 03 2024 - 16:12
If you read Twitter, and probably Bluesky, if anyone reads that, Republicans are in a War On Science and the proof is (1) being Republican and (2) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former darling of Democrats and once pushed to run EPA by President Obama, is in their camp.

Except he didn't take his allies against science with him. They are still firmly anti-science progressives, which means they still vote Democrat, and they are still cheering every time science is suppressed.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Anti-Science Progressives Are Cheering Trump-Era Science Being Banned Before He Takes Office Again

Dec 03 2024 - 16:12
If you read Twitter, and probably Bluesky, if anyone reads that, Republicans are in a War On Science and the proof is (1) being Republican and (2) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., former darling of Democrats and once pushed to run EPA by President Obama, is in their camp.

Except he didn't take his allies against science with him. They are still firmly anti-science progressives, which means they still vote Democrat, and they are still cheering every time science is suppressed.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Knee Point Prediction And Battery Capacity Degradation

Dec 03 2024 - 11:12
Electric cars and solar and wind energy alternative schemes have a few crippling limitations; low energy densities and unavailability when people need energy most. Batteries could help with that second one except current batteries are legacy technology that are held back by subsidies and mandates, not improved.

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Categories: Science 2.0

Knee Point Prediction And Battery Capacity Degradation

Dec 03 2024 - 11:12
Electric cars and solar and wind energy alternative schemes have a few crippling limitations; low energy densities and unavailability when people need energy most. Batteries could help with that second one except current batteries are legacy technology that are held back by subsidies and mandates, not improved.

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Categories: Science 2.0

MicroRNA And The Microprocessor Inside You

Dec 03 2024 - 11:12
Since being discovered in 1993, microRNAs have gone on to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, thanks to private sector uptake with the COVID-19 vaccines that saved the world during the pandemic that emerged from Wuhan, China in early 2020. 

Errors in the manufacture of over 1,000 microRNAs can put us at risk for developmental disorders, cancer, or neurodegenerative disease and a new study looks at a molecular machine called Microprocessor (MP), which trims longer molecules called primary microRNAs (pri-miRNAs) - without cutting other kinds of RNA that resemble pri-miRNAs.

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Categories: Science 2.0

MicroRNA And The Microprocessor Inside You

Dec 03 2024 - 11:12
Since being discovered in 1993, microRNAs have gone on to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, thanks to private sector uptake with the COVID-19 vaccines that saved the world during the pandemic that emerged from Wuhan, China in early 2020. 

Errors in the manufacture of over 1,000 microRNAs can put us at risk for developmental disorders, cancer, or neurodegenerative disease and a new study looks at a molecular machine called Microprocessor (MP), which trims longer molecules called primary microRNAs (pri-miRNAs) - without cutting other kinds of RNA that resemble pri-miRNAs.

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Categories: Science 2.0