
NASA analyzed Tropical Storm Fung-Wong's rainfall and found two small areas of moderate to heavy rainfall, despite being battered by strong wind shear.

NASA has the unique capability of peering under the clouds in storms and measuring the rate at which the rain is falling. Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core passed over Fung-Wong from its orbit in space and measured rainfall rates throughout the storm on Nov. 22 at 3:08 a.m. EST (0808 UTC).

LA JOLLA, CA - A team of scientists from Scripps Research and Stanford University has recorded in real time a key step in the assembly of ribosomes--the complex and evolutionarily ancient "molecular machines" that make proteins in cells and are essential for all life forms.

Globally, in 2016, 81% of 11 to 17-year-old school students did not reach WHO recommendations to do an hour of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day.

Girls were less active than boys and this gap has grown between 2001-2016, with rates of physical inactivity remaining similar for girls, while they have improved slightly for boys.

In 2016, in 27 counties, 90% or more of girls did not reach sufficient levels of activity, whereas this was the case for only two countries for boys.

What The Study Did: Researchers used nationally representative survey data from adults 60 or older to estimate how self-reported hearing trouble varied across sociodemographic characteristics and by actual hearing loss.

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link

Authors: Adele M. Goman, Ph.D., of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, is the corresponding author.


The challenge of building an energy future that preserves and improves the planet is a massive undertaking. But it all hinges on the charged particles moving through invisibly small materials.

AMHERST, Mass. - Seventy years ago, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov imagined a world where robots would serve humans in countless ways, and he equipped them with built-in safeguards ¬now known as Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, to prevent them, among other goals, from ever harming a person.

The threespine stickleback, a small fish found throughout the coastal areas of the Northern Hemisphere, is famously variable in appearance from one location to another, making it an ideal subject for studying how species adapt to different environments. A new study shows that stickleback populations in estuaries along the coast of California have evolved over the past 40 years as climate change has altered their coastal habitats.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN- November 20, 2019 - In an analysis of the new heart organ allocation system for transplant patients in the U.S., researchers have identified a signal of a decrease in heart transplant survival rates. The study, "An Early Investigation of Outcomes with the 2018 Donor Heart Allocation System in the United States," is published as a rapid communication in the Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.

Even faster processors with even smaller dimensions? Wherever neither electronics nor spintronics can cope with performance or miniaturization, magnonics comes to the rescue. But before that happens, scientists must learn how to accurately simulate the flow of magnetic waves through magnonic crystals. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow an important step in this direction has just been made.

Overweight and obesity have become a severe public health problem around the world. Current anti-obesity strategies are mainly aimed at restricting calorie intake and absorption. Now, Chinese scientists suggest in a new study that burning energy by activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) might be an alternative strategy for combating obesity.

The researchers found that an extract from ginseng, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herb, can induce Enterococcus faecalis, which can produce an unsaturated long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) - myristoleic acid (MA).

A research team in Trinity College Dublin has uncovered a critical role for a protein called 'PKM2' in the regulation of immune cell types at the heart of multiple inflammatory diseases.

The work identifies PKM2 as a potential therapeutic target for treating a host of diseases mediated by over-active immune cells, such as psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. The findings are reported today in the world's leading metabolism journal Cell Metabolism - with the chief discovery being that PKM2 is a central 'on' switch for these cells.

Wolfe Creek Crater, one of the world's largest meteorite craters, is much younger than previously thought.

Wolfe Creek Crater is situated on the edge of the Great Sandy Desert in northern Western Australia. It is the second largest crater on Earth from which meteorite fragments have been recovered (the largest is Meteor Crater in Arizona).

It was likely formed by a meteor about 15 metres in diameter, weighing around 14,000 tonnes.

The age of the impact is poorly understood and unpublished data suggests the impact could have occurred around 300,000 years ago.

Given the anthropological and climate threats facing nature, the conservation of tropical biodiversity is a major challenge. To encourage the implementation of better biodiversity management practices, countries and international agreements on biodiversity refer to the assessments of species "at risk of extinction" performed by the IUCN as part of a standardised procedure (See Red List of Threatened Species). This approach remains the most comprehensive and objective means of identifying species in need of protection.

In a paper to be published in the forthcoming issue in NANO, a group of researchers from the Shenyang Jianzhu University in China provide an overview of single molecule electronic devices, including molecular electronic devices and electrode types.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- From mid-November 2015 through February 2016, scientists used GPS transmitters to track the movements of Canada geese near Midway International Airport in Chicago. They discovered that - in the colder months, at least - some geese are hanging out on rooftops, in a rail yard and in a canal close to Midway's runways. This behavior increases the danger of collisions between geese and airplanes, the researchers say.

The study is reported in the journal Human-Wildlife Interactions.