
Experimental data and computer simulations come together to provide an innovative technique able to characterise the different configurations of an RNA molecule. The work, published in Nucleic Acids Research, opens new roads to study dynamic molecular systems.

Fifty years ago, scientists hit upon what they thought could be the next rocket fuel. Carboranes -- molecules composed of boron, carbon and hydrogen atoms clustered together in three-dimensional shapes -- were seen as the possible basis for next-generation propellants due to their ability to release massive amounts of energy when burned.

It was technology that at the time had the potential to augment or even surpass traditional hydrocarbon rocket fuel, and was the subject of heavy investment in the 1950s and 60s.

But things didn't pan out as expected.

London - A project taking the first steps towards ending the use of horses to treat diphtheria has succeeded.

Funded by the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. and carried out at the Institute of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics at the Technische Universität Braunschweig in Germany, the project created human antibodies capable of blocking the poisonous toxin that causes diphtheria. The results were published Friday in Scientific Reports (a Nature research journal).

CINCINNATI--Yes, fat cells deep under your skin can sense light. And when bodies do not get enough exposure to the right kinds of light, fat cells behave differently.

This discovery, published Jan. 21, 2020, in the journal Cell Reports, was uncovered by scientists at Cincinnati Children's who were studying how mice control their body temperature. What they found has implications far beyond describing how mice stay warm.

Rice snacks for kids found in Australian supermarkets contain arsenic at levels above European safety guidelines, a new study shows.

The research found 75% of rice-based products tested had concentrations of arsenic that exceeded the EU guideline for safe rice consumption for babies and toddlers.

The study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, found Australian children who eat large amounts of rice-based food may be exposed to dangerous amounts of arsenic.

Not all companies succeed for one reason or another and statistics highlight that every second Finnish company will cease operations within five years of founding. A new study entitled Post-Failure Impression Management: A Typology of Entrepreneurs' Public Narratives after Business Closure by researchers at the Aalto University School of Business' department of management studies shows that entrepreneurs tend to apply five different storytelling styles when communicating about closing down their business.

A stacked nanocarbon antenna makes a rare earth element shine 5 times more brightly than previous designs, with applications in molecular light-emitting devices.

A unique molecular design developed by Hokkaido University researchers causes a europium complex to shine more than five times brighter than the best previous design when it absorbs low energy blue light. The findings were published in the journal Communications Chemistry, and could lead to more efficient photosensitizers with a wide variety of applications.

A new technique to study the properties of molecules and materials on a quantum simulator has been discovered.

The ground-breaking new technique, by physicist Oleksandr Kyriienko from the University of Exeter, could pioneer a new pathway towards the next generation of quantum computing.

Current quantum computing methods for studying the properties of molecules and materials on such a minute scale rely upon an ideal fault-tolerant quantum computer or variational techniques.

Long-term study of adolescent mental health following bariatric surgery suggests that although the surgery can improve many aspects of health, alleviation of mental health problems should not be expected, and a multidisciplinary team should offer long-term mental health support after the operation.

WASHINGTON, January 21, 2020 -- Most traditional electromagnetic methods for detecting hidden metal objects involve systems that are heavy, bulky and require lots of electricity.

Recent studies have shown metallic objects have their own magnetic fingerprints based on size, shape and physical composition. In AIP Advances, from AIP Publishing, scientists look to leverage these observations to potentially create a smaller and cheaper system that is just as effective as their larger counterparts.

Recent research finds that repeated flooding events have a cumulative effect on the structural integrity of earthen levees, suggesting that the increase in extreme weather events associated with climate change could pose significant challenges for the nation's aging levee system.

Despite the prominent health threat posed by fine particulate pollution, fundamental aspects of its formation and evolution continue to elude scientists.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- It takes a lot of energy to collect, clean and dispose of contaminated water. Some contaminants, like arsenic, occur in low concentrations, calling for even more energy-intensive selective removal processes.

In a new paper, researchers address this water-energy relationship by introducing a device that can purify and remediate arsenic-contaminated water in a single step. Using specialized polymer electrodes, the device can reduce arsenic in water by over 90% while using roughly 10 times less energy than other methods.

A new study shows that air pollutants from the smoke of fires from as far as Canada and the southeastern U.S. traveled hundreds of miles and several days to reach Connecticut and New York City, where it caused significant increases in pollution concentrations.

HOUSTON - (Jan. 21, 2020) - The process of developing better rechargeable batteries may be cloudy, but there's an alumina lining.

A slim layer of the metal oxide applied to common cathodes by engineers at Rice University's Brown School of Engineering revealed new phenomena that could lead to batteries that are better geared toward electric cars and more robust off-grid energy storage.