
Hyperlipidemia, one of the most common threats to human health, refers to an abnormal increase of cholesterol and/or triglycerides in the blood. One effective method for prevention and treatment of the disease is cholesterol-lowering therapy, such as the drug simvastatin.

Alkaline hydrolysis of lovastatin to produce monacolin J is an intermediate step to obtain simvastatin. Enzymatic synthesis using a specific and efficient lovastatin hydrolase is one of the alternative methods for green production of monacolin J.

Vitamin C administration shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation in critical care patients, but the effect depended on the severity of illness.

In five controlled trials including 471 patients requiring ventilation for over 10 hours, vitamin C shortened ventilation time on average by 25% according to a meta-analysis published in Journal of Intensive Care.

Drs. Chaun Jang, Jun Woo Choi, and Hyejin Ryu of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, President Lee Byung Gwon) have announced that their team at KIST's Center for Spintronics successfully controlled the magnetic properties of FGT (Fe3GeTe2) in a joint research project with Dr. Se Young Park and his team at the Center for Correlated Electron Systems at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Fe3GeTe2 has recently attracted attention as a material for next-generation spintronic semiconductors.

Due to their excellent performance in manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves freely and flexibly, metasurfaces have been widely investigated since the beginning of the 21st century. However, with the rapid development of digital information technology, the traditional analog metasurfaces with continuous phase control become difficult to control the digital information. In 2014, digital coding and programmable metasurfaces were proposed, which make it possible to manipulate the EM waves from the digital aspect, building up a bridge between the information science and physical metasurface.

Using ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT), astronomers have captured the unprecedented dimming of Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star in the constellation of Orion. The stunning new images of the star's surface show not only the fading red supergiant but also how its apparent shape is changing.

An artificial neural network can reveal patterns in huge amounts of gene expression data, and discover groups of disease-related genes. This has been shown by a new study led by researchers at Linköping University, published in Nature Communications. The scientists hope that the method can eventually be applied within precision medicine and individualised treatment.

Electric solid propellants are being explored as a safer option for pyrotechnics, mining, and in-space propulsion because they only ignite with an electric current. But because all of these applications require high heat, it's important to understand how the high temperatures change the propellants' chemistry.

NASA satellite imagery revealed that vertical wind shear appears to be affecting Tropical Cyclone Uesi in the Southern Pacific Ocean.

On Feb. 13 at 0315 UTC (Feb. 12 at 10:15 p.m. EST), the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument that flies aboard NASA's Aqua satellite provided a visible image of Tropical Cyclone Uesi being adversely affected by vertical wind shear. The image showed that the bulk of clouds were being pushed to the southeast of the center of circulation.

WASHINGTON, February 11, 2020 -- The field of photonic integration -- the area of photonics in which waveguides and devices are fabricated as an integrated system onto a flat wafer -- is relatively young compared to electronics. Photonic integration has focused on communications applications traditionally fabricated on silicon chips, because these are less expensive and more easily manufactured.

ITHACA, N.Y. - The consequences of workplace automation will likely impact just about every aspect of our lives, and scholars and policymakers need to start thinking about it far more broadly if they want to have a say in what the future looks like, according to a new paper co-authored by a Cornell University researcher.

Chronic and non-healing wounds--one of the most devastating complications of diabetes and the leading cause of limb amputation--affects millions of Americans each year. Due to the complex nature of these wounds, proper clinical treatment has been limited.

For years now, 10,000 steps a day has become the gold standard for people trying to improve their health -- and recent research shows some benefits can come from even just 7,500 steps. But if you're trying to prevent weight gain, a new Brigham Young University study suggests no number of steps alone will do the trick.

A research team led by professors from the University of Pittsburgh Department of Physics and Astronomy has announced the discovery of a new electronic state of matter.

Even under modest climate warming scenarios, the continental United States faces a significant loss of groundwater - about 119 million cubic meters, or roughly enough to fill Lake Powell four times or one quarter of Lake Erie, a first-of-its-kind study has shown.

Biosensors integrated into smartphones, smart watches, and other gadgets are about to become a reality. In a paper featured on the cover of the January issue of Sensors, researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology describe a way to increase the sensitivity of biological detectors to the point where they can be used in mobile and wearable devices. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation.