
Canadian scientists have developed an innovative new technique that uses artificial intelligence to better define the different sections of the brain in newborns during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam.

The results of this study -- a collaboration between researchers at Montreal's CHU Sainte-Justine children's hospital and the ÉTS engineering school -- are published today in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Basic Electrical Engineering of Samara Polytech Pavel Grachev has designed the construction of electrical starter-generator for the power unit of a hybrid car. His post-graduate student Aleksey Tabachinskiy has improved the construction and adjusted it to the wind turbines. The recent research results are published in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2964231).

Many studies claiming that artificial intelligence is as good as (or better than) human experts at interpreting medical images are of poor quality and are arguably exaggerated, posing a risk for the safety of 'millions of patients' warn researchers in The BMJ today.

Their findings raise concerns about the quality of evidence underpinning many of these studies, and highlight the need to improve their design and reporting standards.

"We are living through an explosion in the availability of microbiome data," according to JP Dundore-Arias, assistant professor of plant pathology at California State University, Monterey Bay. "In agricultural systems, the proliferation of research on plant and soil microbiomes has been coupled with excitement for the potential that microbiome data may have for the development of novel, sustainable, and effective crop management strategies."

LOS ANGELES - Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-associated deaths in the United States. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), a group of lung cancers named for the kinds of cells found in the cancer, constitutes more than 80% of all lung cancer cases.

New Zealand's largest fault is a jumble of mixed-up rocks of all shapes, sizes, compositions and origins. According to research from a global team of scientists, this motley mixture could help explain why the fault generates slow-motion earthquakes known as "slow slip events" as well as destructive, tsunami-generating tremors.

ITHACA, N.Y. - Students who used immersive virtual reality (VR) did not learn significantly better than those who used two more traditional forms of learning, but they vastly preferred the VR to computer-simulated and hands-on methods, a new Cornell study has found.

AMES, Iowa - Iowa State University's Alexander Stoytchev says it's one of the "most popular and useful" algorithms around - even though most of us have never heard of it.

But, if you've used a cell phone, browsed the internet or needed a medical image, you've benefitted from the fast Fourier transform (FFT).

More than 2000 renewable energy facilities are built in areas of environmental significance and threaten the natural habitats of plant and animal species across the globe.

A University of Queensland research team mapped the location of solar, wind and hydropower facilities in wilderness, protected areas and key biodiversity areas.

UQ School of Earth and Environmental Sciences lead author Mr José Rehbein said he was alarmed by the findings.

CORVALLIS, Ore. - Beads that contain bacteria and a slow-release food supply to sustain them can clean up contaminated groundwater for months on end, maintenance free, research by Oregon State University shows.

The hydrogel beads, which have the consistency of gummy candy and are made with an ingredient used in processed foods, hold the promise for sustained cleanup of groundwater contaminated with dangerous and widely used volatile organic compounds; many of the compounds are listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as likely human carcinogens.

To build safe and robust automobiles, spacecrafts, and other technology, scientists attempt to know as much as possible about various metals' properties. However, these properties can be tricky to estimate without extensive testing. Now, researchers have created a theoretical model able to estimate various pure and alloyed metals' ultimate strength--a measurement defined as the amount of force necessary before a metal will deform. The framework, created by Chandross and Argibay of Sandia National Laboratories, does not require fit parameters.

What The Study Did: Researchers estimated the infection rate of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with cancer and reported on patient outcomes at a single hospital in Wuhan, China.

Authors: Conghua Xie, M.D., of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in China, and Melvin L. K. Chua, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., of the National Cancer Centre Singapore, are the corresponding authors.

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link

Terahertz (THz) waves fall between microwave and infrared radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum, oscillating at frequencies of between 100 billion and 30 trillion cycles per second. These waves are prized for their distinctive properties: they can penetrate paper, clothing, wood and walls, as well as detect air pollution. THz sources could revolutionize security and medical imaging systems. What's more, their ability to carry vast quantities of data could hold the key to faster wireless communications.

An international team of scientists has for the first time identified the conditions deep below the Earth's surface that lead to the triggering of so-called 'slow motion' earthquakes.

These events, more commonly known as slow slip events, are similar to regular sudden and catastrophic earthquakes but take place on much longer timescales, usually from days to months.

Experts are investigating a better way of measuring the number of people exposed to the health risks of poorly-managed sanitation systems - and it will help reveal whether the world is on track to deliver UN Sustainable Goal 6 (SDG6).

SDG6 is the aspiration that everyone should have access to safe water and sanitation and that water should be well managed all over the world - the target is to achieve this in the next 10 years.