WASHINGTON, D.C., January 28, 2020--Students' high school grade point averages are five times stronger than their ACT scores at predicting college graduation, according to a new study published today in Educational Researcher, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association.
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (January 27, 2020) -- While transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) continues to expand its pool of eligible patients, open heart surgery--resulting in excellent patient survival and fewer strokes when compared to TAVR--is the best option for young and middle-aged adults with aortic valve disease--at least for now, according to a scientific presentation at the 56th Annual Meeting of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
Today, modern lasers can generate extremely short light pulses, which can be used for a wide range of applications from investigating materials to medical diagnostics. For this purpose, it is important to measure the shape of the laser light wave with high accuracy. Until now, this has required a large, complex experimental setup. Now this can be done with a tiny crystal with a diameter of less than one millimeter. The new method has been developed by the MPI for Quantum Optics in Garching, the LMU Munich and the TU Wien (Vienna).
The design of sophisticated new materials is undergoing brisk technological advancement. Innovations in material science promise transformative improvements in industries ranging from energy to manufacturing.
In a new study, researchers at ASU's Biodesign Institute and their colleagues explore new materials with physical properties that can be custom-tailored to suit particular needs. The work is inspired by mechanisms in nature, where the complex three-dimensional structure of surrounding proteins influences the electrochemical properties of metals at their core.
Scientists studied the sex lives of 778 individual plants for 21 years
During the study, prescribed, controlled burns took place in nine different years
In the year after a prescribed burn, more plants flowered, annual seed production nearly doubled
EVANSTON, Ill. -- For a prairie plant, a fiery love life isn't just fun -- it's essential.
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Hormonal changes, different schools, more teachers and changing expectations are just some of the challenges families face when a child enters middle school. Now, researchers from the University of Missouri have found that 94% of middle school teachers experience high levels of stress, which could contribute to negative outcomes for students. Researchers say that reducing the burden of teaching experienced by so many teachers is critical to improve student success -- both academically and behaviorally.
Imagine a device that could swiftly analyze microbes in oceans and other aquatic environments, revealing the health of these organisms - too tiny to be seen by the naked eye - and their response to threats to their ecosystems.
Rutgers researchers have created just such a tool, a portable device that could be used to assess microbes, screen for antibiotic-resistant bacteria and analyze algae that live in coral reefs. Their work is published in the journal Scientific Reports.
Previously, scientists knew only one type of curved optical rays - Airy beams and their derivatives. They were obtained back in 2007. Due to their physical properties, the beams can be used for manipulating the small particles, which can be applied in microfluidics and cell biology. Obtaining such beams requires advanced equipment. Therefore, researchers from all around the world are looking for new types of curved beams that could be obtained much easier.
London, UK: A new study published in the journal Cephalalgia, the official journal of the International Headache Society, shows unprecedented data regarding the neuroanatomical influence on the treatment response of patients with trigeminal neuralgia. The study, entitled "Hippocampal and trigeminal nerve volume predict outcome of surgical treatment for trigeminal neuralgia", was conducted by Dr. Tejas Sankar's research group, from the University of Alberta, Canada.
Environmental organization GRID-Arendal has launched the world's first publicly accessible global database of mine tailings storage facilities. The database, the Global Tailings Portal, was built by Norway-based GRID-Arendal as part of the Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative, which is led by the Church of England Pensions Board and the Swedish National Pension Funds' Council on Ethics, with support from the UN Environment Programme.
Maturing sperm cells turn on most of their genes, not to follow their genetic instructions like normal, but instead to repair DNA before passing it to the next generation, a new study finds.
January 23, 2020 - Many Medicare patients with new episodes of low back pain receive care inconsistent with current guidelines - including high use of opioids and advanced imaging tests, reports a study in the February issue of Medical Care.
A novel drug, named "FerriIridium", can simultaneously help diagnose and treat gastric cancer. The initially weakly active precursor (prodrug), based on an iridium-containing compound, is selectively activated only after reaching the interior of a tumor cell. This is possible because of the higher amount of iron present there, report scientists in the journal Angewandte Chemie. Selective activation reduces undesired side effects.
A team from the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has conducted a series of experiments to gain a better understanding of quantum mechanics and pursue advances in quantum networking and quantum computing, which could lead to practical applications in cybersecurity and other areas.
WASHINGTON - People who regularly care for or assist a family member or friend with a health problem or disability are more likely to neglect their own health, particularly by not having insurance or putting off necessary health services due to cost, according to a study published by the American Psychological Association.