The Centre for Digestive Disease (CDD) headed by Professor Thomas Borody has cured Crohn's Disease as reported today by Dr Gaurav Agrawal in Gut Pathogens.
Baloxavir treatment reduced transmission of the flu virus from infected ferrets to healthy ferrets, suggesting that the antiviral drug could contribute to the early control of influenza outbreaks by limiting community-based viral spread, according to a study published April 15 in the open-access journal PLOS Pathogens by Aeron Hurt of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd and Wendy Barclay of Imperial College London, and colleagues.
Influenza A (a highly contagious virus that causes annual flu epidemics worldwide) may trigger an inflammatory "cytokine storm" - an excessive immune response that can lead to hospitalization or even death - by increasing glucose metabolism, according to a new study. As the novel coronavirus pandemic grips the globe, Qiming Wang and colleagues have separately, and fully apart from this study, begun investigating how glucose metabolism may affect patients with COVID-19.
Sepsis - the body's extreme and organ-damaging response to severe infections - is a major contributor to death in patients battling infectious disease. By studying sepsis patients in intensive care, scientists have created a new antibody treatment that improved survival by combatting sepsis when tested in a mouse model. The new approach "has marked translational potential and overcomes a limitation in many murine sepsis studies," say Cameron Paterson and colleagues in a related Focus.
With all eyes on avoiding major illness this year, health researchers are urging people as young as 40 to build physical and mental health to reduce or even avoid 'frailty' and higher mortality risk.
A new study published online in BMC Geriatrics found 'pre-frailty occurs in 45% of people aged 40-49 - which is about the same percentage of people aged 70-75.
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- A research team led by physicists at the University of California, Riverside, reports tiny satellite galaxies of the Milky Way can be used to test fundamental properties of "dark matter" -- nonluminous material thought to constitute 85% of matter in the universe.
Using sophisticated simulations, the researchers show a theory called self-interacting dark matter, or SIDM, can compellingly explain diverse dark matter distributions in Draco and Fornax, two of the Milky Way's more than 50 discovered satellite galaxies.
Patients with acute leukemia who become refractory to initial or re-induction chemotherapy (refractory/relapsed acute leukemia (RRAL)) have poor prognosis, with limited therapeutic options with hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) being the only opportunity to cure. Current strategies to decrease post-transplant relapse for patients with RRAL include more effective pre-transplant conditioning, safer donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI), and improved donor selection (including haploidentical donor), though relevant real world data is scarce.
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- One would think that cannabis enthusiasts attending a marijuana advocacy event would be knowledgeable about cannabinoids.
Not necessarily, according to the findings of a study by researchers from the University at Buffalo and the University of Michigan, who surveyed frequent cannabis users at an annual marijuana advocacy event held on the University of Michigan campus.
For the first time, researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin have shown that a unicellular parasite commonly found in the mouth plays a role in both severe tissue inflammation and tissue destruction. Most patients with severe and recurrent periodontitis (gum disease) showed an increased presence of the amoeba Entamoeba gingivalis inside their oral cavities. The effect of this amoeba is similar to that of Entamoeba histolytica, the parasite responsible for causing amebiasis.
CLEVELAND, Ohio (April 15, 2020)--Are overweight women less fertile? Does primary ovarian insufficiency increase risks for obesity and diabetes? For years the controversy regarding the connection between reproductive health and body mass index has continued. A new study assessed the effect of ovarian reserve on obesity and glucose metabolism and found no correlation. Study results are published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS).
JUPITER, Fla.-- April 14, 2020 -- Many cases of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) may result from problems in immune cells that normally work to trim back unneeded brain connections in early life, suggests a new study led by scientists at Scripps Research.
A team of researchers in Korea believes to have discovered a synthetic gold-based compound which may help patients with obesity. The team led by Sunoh Kim, Deok-Chun Yang at Bioresources and Technology and Kyung Hee University, South Korea, respectively, investigated the anti-lipid accumulation effect of spherical gold nanoparticles (10-20 nm in size) synthesized from Dendropanax morbifera Léveille - a shrub which is endemic to the Korean peninsula.
Having a general practitioner (GP) who is trained in motivational interviewing may reduce your risk of getting cardiovascular disease. But only if you do not already have diabetes or are at risk of developing it. This is shown by a new randomised study from Aarhus University.
CLEMSON, South Carolina -- Scientists believe about 25 percent of the differences in human life span is determined by genetics -- with the rest determined by environmental and lifestyle factors. But they don't yet know all the genes that contribute to a long life.
ITHACA, N.Y. - A new study identifies some of the most critical genes that may drive a rare but deadly liver cancer, providing a road map for developing drugs that target those genes.
The cancer, fibrolamellar carcinoma, accounts for 1-5% of all liver cancers, and disproportionately affects children and young adults. By the time it is detected it has often already metastasized, leaving patients with a median one-year survival time.