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Primary care provides clinical guidance, answers about COVID-19 testing, vaccine

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Primary care physicians have played a crucial role in vaccination delivery to the U.S. population, including the elderly. They are well positioned to help with administering COVID-19 vaccinations. They are also equipped to provide clinical guidance to help patients interpret results from COVID-19 testing and immunity determinations and can answer vaccine questions
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Putting a strain on semiconductors for next-gen chips

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from the U.S. and Singapore have created a neural network that can help tweak semiconductor crystals in a controlled fashion to achieve superior properties for electronics. This enables a new direction of development of next-generation chips and solar cells by exploiting a controllable deformation that may change the properties of a material on the fly.
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How climate change and fires are shaping the forests of the future

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
As temperatures rise, the risk of devastating forest fires is increasing. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are using artificial intelligence to estimate the long-term impact that an increased number of forest fires will have on forest ecosystems. Their simulations show how Yellowstone National Park in the USA could change by the end of the century.
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Experts advocate for 'employment first, employment for all' for workers with disabilities

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
The Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (JVR) announces publication of an openly available special issue that provides free access to key presentations from the 2020 Virtual Conference of the Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE). These contributions advocate for and help facilitate the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community.
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Brain organoid study highlights potential role of genetic and environmental interaction in autism spectrum disorder

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health have shown in a brain organoid study that exposure to a common pesticide synergizes with a frequent autism-linked gene mutation.
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Antidepressants may improve outcomes in people with diabetes and depression

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
People with diabetes and depression who take antidepressants may have a lower risk of death and of serious diabetes complications, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
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Medication or exercise? What works best for seniors with mild to moderate depression?

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Depression is the most frequently diagnosed psychiatric disorder among older adults, with 8% to 16% of older patients presenting with clinically significant depressive symptoms. Researchers in Spain conducted a randomized clinical trial of 347 older adults with mild to moderate depression, comparing the effectiveness of physical exercise and antidepressants as treatment methods.
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When corals meet algae: First stages of symbiosis seen for the first time

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
The physical interactions between coral and algal cells as they join together in symbiosis have been observed for the first time. Within minutes of being introduced, the coral cells had started to engulf the algae, either digesting them or protecting them within a 'bubble' inside the cell. This new study will form the basis of further research that will expand our understanding of their symbiotic relationship, leading to improved methods of coral conservation.
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Scientists find way to navigate a heavy uphill climb

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
A team of scientists has uncovered how heavy, motorized objects climb steep slopes--a newly discovered mechanism that also mimics how rock climbers navigate inclines.
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UNF study indicates black teen girls seek inclusive body types in anti-obesity advertising

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
A recent qualitative research study conducted by the University of North Florida, in partnership with Indianan University-Purdue Indianapolis and UF Health Jacksonville, shows that black teenage girls want inclusive body types to be featured in advertising to combat teen obesity rates.
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MCDB: A comprehensive curated mitotic catastrophe database

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2021.05.032Mitotic Catastrophe Database (MCDB) is a proprietary, standard, and comprehensive database for Mitotic catastrophe (MC) related data facilitating the exploration of MC for all researchers in the fields of medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics and oncology.
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Personalised 3D printed knee implant could help thousands of arthritis sufferers

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Pioneering 'printed metal' procedure to create bespoke treatment for early knee osteoarthritis set to be trialled in the UK following MHRA approval.
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Metal-based molecules show promise against the build-up of Alzheimer's peptides

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
In lab tests, Imperial researchers have created a metal-based molecule that inhibits the build-up of a peptide associated with Alzheimer's disease.
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Heisenberg under the microscope

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
The quantum movements of a small glass sphere could be controlled for the first time in Vienna by combining microscopy with control engineering, setting the course for future quantum technologies.
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UCLA research finds the US lags 79 other nations in preventing child immigration detention

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified calls to end the detention of migrant children, as cases surge among children held in crowded conditions; yet immigration detention's threats to children's fundamental rights did not begin with the current public health crisis.
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Association of socioeconomic characteristics with disparities in COVID-19 outcomes in Japan

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: This study found an unequal pattern of COVID-19 outcomes that was associated with the socioeconomic circumstances in regions of Japan, suggesting that these disparities in COVID-19 outcomes aren't unique to the United States and Europe.
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Symptoms of depression, anxiety among women experiencing homelessness/unstable housing during pandemic

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: About half the women experiencing homelessness and unstable housing who were surveyed experienced symptoms of depression or anxiety or both during the pandemic and, in addition to unmet subsistence needs and social isolation, these symptoms were associated with increased challenges accessing non-COVID-19 care and managing symptoms for chronic medical conditions.
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Effect of physician-delivered COVID-19 public health messages on adults' knowledge, beliefs, practices related to COVID-19

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: In this randomized clinical trial, a physician messaging campaign was effective in increasing COVID-19 knowledge, information-seeking and self-reported protective behaviors among diverse groups.
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Changes in admissions to specialty addiction treatment facilities in California during COVID-19 pandemic

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
What The Study Did: The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a decline in addiction treatment initiations but more research is needed to understand the cause of the decline in initiations and the extent to which it was due to reduced demand for services or reduced ability to supply treatment.
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Newfound human brain cell type helps center people in mental maps

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
A previously unknown kind of human brain cell appears to help people center themselves in their personal maps of the world, according to a new study from neuroscientists at Columbia Engineering. This discovery shed light on the cellular mechanisms underlying navigation and memory in humans, as well as what parts of the brain might get disrupted during the kinds of memory impairments common in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
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