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Biomolecular bonsai: Controlling the pruning and strengthening of neuron branches

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
How neuronal circuits remodel themselves over time, especially during early development, is a major question in neurobiology. Using mice, researchers from Kyushu University have uncovered a biomolecular mechanism behind the strengthening of connections from neurons called mitral cells. The team found that the protein BMPR-2 is a key regulator of selective stabilization of neuron branching and that strengthening of a branch happens only when neural signals are transmitted.
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Repairs using light signals

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Repairing complex electrical appliances is time consuming and rarely cost-effective. The working group led by Prof. Dr. Karl Mandel, Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry at FAU, has now developed a smart microparticle that enables defective components in these appliances to be identified more quickly and easily by using light signals. In the long-term, this could make repairs easier and extend the operating life of devices. The results have been published in the journal 'Advanced Functional Materials'.
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UBCO researchers light the way to cleaner water

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Shining a beam of light into potentially contaminated water samples may hold the key to real-time detection of hydrocarbons and pesticides in water. UBC Okanagan researchers are testing the use of fluorescence to monitor water quality. The results, they say, show great promise.
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Study finds adolescent girls and young women in Africa will use HIV prevention products

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Adolescent girls and young women can and will use HIV prevention products with consistency, according to interim results of a study being conducted in Africa of two different methods: daily use of the antiretroviral (ARV) tablet Truvada® as oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the monthly dapivirine vaginal ring, a new HIV prevention product currently under regulatory review in several countries. This was not been the case in previous trials of either approach.
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Study shows strong association between perceived risk, availability and past-year cannabis use

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Combined perceptions of the risk and availability of cannabis influence the risk of cannabis use more than perceived risk and perceived availability alone, according to a new Columbia study. Researchers observed that those who perceived cannabis as low-risk and available were more likely to report using the drug in the past year and almost daily compared to those individuals who perceived cannabis as high-risk and unavailable. This is the first study to consider the joint effects of perceived risk and perceived availability.
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A new avenue for fighting drug-resistant bacteria

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
A small regulatory RNA found in many problematic bacteria, including Escherichia coli, appears to be responsible for managing the response of these bacteria to environmental stresses. Professor Charles Dozois from Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and doctoral student Hicham Bessaiah see a promising avenue for more effective treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Their results have been published in the journal PLOS Pathogens.
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Study shows diet causes 84% drop in troublesome menopausal symptoms--without drugs

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
A new study, published by the North American Menopause Society in the journal Menopause, found a plant-based diet rich in soy reduces moderate-to-severe hot flashes by 84%, from nearly five per day to fewer than one per day. During the 12-week study, nearly 60% of women became totally free of moderate-to-severe hot flashes. Overall hot flashes (including mild ones) decreased by 79%.
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Thinking without a brain

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
If you didn't have a brain, could you still navigate your surroundings? Thanks to new research on slime molds at the Wyss and Tufts University, the answer may be "yes." Scientists discovered that the brainless Physarum polycephalum uses its body to sense mechanical cues in its environment, and decides where to grow based on that information. This finding provides a model for understanding different types of cognition, including our own.
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Identification of over 200 long COVID symptoms prompts call for UK screening programme

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Patients who experience long COVID have reported more than 200 symptoms across 10 organ systems, in the largest international study of 'long-haulers' to date, led by UCL scientists together with a patient-led research collaborative.
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Removing the lead hazard from perovskite solar cells

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Although a very promising solution for capturing solar energy, perovskite solar cells contain lead, which is toxic to the environment and a serious health hazard. EPFL scientists have now found a very elegant and efficient solution by adding a transparent phosphate salt that doesn't interfere with light-conversion efficiency while preventing lead from seeping into the soil in cases of solar panel failure.
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Comprehensive primary care is vital to holistic care and optimal recovery after a stroke

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
The new scientific statement acknowledges the importance of primary care in the system of care for patients with stroke, summarizing the available literature and providing a roadmap for holistic, goal-directed and patient-centered care.
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Pandemic of antibiotic resistance is killing children in Bangladesh

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Young children with pneumonia in Bangladesh frequently do not respond to common antibiotics, often resulting in death.
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Pandemic layoffs pushed hospitality workers to leave industry

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
The psychological toll of losing a job due to COVID-19 caused many young hotel and restaurant workers to consider changing careers, according to a new study. Laid-off and fully furloughed hospitality employees reported being financially strained, depressed, socially isolated and panic stricken over the pandemic's effects, leading to increased intention to leave the industry. The intention to leave was particularly strong among women and younger workers. Furloughed workers reported somewhat less distress than laid-off workers.
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Stakeholders' sentiment can make or break a new CEO

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
New study finds that stakeholders' sentiment toward a new CEO has a stronger effect on post succession performance than the CEO's previous experience and fit and this is more critical for new external CEOs
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Extraordinary carbon emissions from El Nino-induced biomass burning estimated using Japanese aircraft and shipboard observations in Equatorial Asia

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
In 2015, massive biomass burning events occurred in Equatorial Asia which released a large amount of carbon into the atmosphere, whose signals were captured by in-situ high-precision measurements onboard commercial passenger aircraft and a cargo ship. A simulation-based analysis with those observations estimated the fire-induced carbon emissions to be 273 Tg C for September - October 2015.
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Heart problems resolve in majority of kids with COVID inflammatory syndrome

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
Most of the heart and immunologic problems seen in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C)--a condition linked to COVID--were gone within a few months, Columbia researchers have found.
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Evaluating peers' food choices may improve healthy eating habits among young adolescents

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
A new study conducted in the United Arab Emirates investigates whether asking early adolescents to evaluate the food choices of peers triggers deliberative thinking that improves their own food selection, even when the peers' food choices are unhealthy. The findings suggest that incorporating evaluations of the healthiness of others' food choices can be a tool to fight unhealthy eating lifestyles.
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Teens with secure family relationships "pay it forward" with empathy for friends

Eurekalert - Jul 15 2021 - 00:07
A new study tested whether teens' secure, supportive family relationships at age 14 related to their ability to provide their friends with empathic support across adolescence and into early adulthood. Findings indicate that secure attachment (reflecting on close relationships in an emotionally balanced, coherent, and valuing way) predicts teens' ability to provide empathic support to their close friends.
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Understanding our perception of rhythm

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
Scientists have long known that while listening to a sequence of sounds, people often perceive a rhythm, even when the sounds are identical and equally spaced. One regularity that was discovered over 100 years ago is the Iambic-Trochaic Law: when every other sound is loud, we tend to hear groups of two sounds with an initial beat. When every other sound is long, we hear groups of two sounds with a final beat. But why does our rhythm perception work this way?
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Visibly transparent radiative cooler under direct sunlight

Eurekalert - Jul 14 2021 - 00:07
POSTECH-Korea University joint research team develops a radiative cooling material that is transparent under direct sunlight.
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