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Structure gives insight into how plants keep their "mouths" shut

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
As part of a collaborative effort with scientists at Columbia University, researchers at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have uncovered the atomic structure of SLAC1 using single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM).
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Genetic discovery in songbird provides new insights

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A new study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that zebra finches and other songbirds have a low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene surprisingly different than other vertebrates.
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UBCO researcher re-evaluates estimate of the world's high-altitude population

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
New findings detailing the world's first-of-its-kind estimate of how many people live in high-altitude regions, will provide insight into future research of human physiology.Dr. Joshua Tremblay, a postdoctoral fellow in UBC Okanagan's School of Health and Exercise Sciences, has released updated population estimates of how many people in the world live at a high altitude.
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Human genome editing requires difficult conversations between science and society

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Researchers argue that advanced tech, especially CRISPR, demands more robust and thoughtful public engagement if it is to be harnessed to benefit the public without crossing ethical lines.
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Better hearing with optical cochlear implants

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Imaging techniques enable decisive step toward development of novel hearing prostheses
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Icy clouds could have kept early Mars warm enough for rivers and lakes, study finds

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A new study led by University of Chicago planetary scientist Edwin Kite uses a computer model of Mars to put forth a promising explanation onto how Mars once contained rivers and lakes: Mars could have had a thin layer of icy, high-altitude clouds that caused a greenhouse effect.
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First village-level mapping of childhood undernutrition in India reveals local disparities

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The first study to predict and map the burden of childhood undernutrition across all of the nearly 600,000 villages in rural India revealed that the risk of childhood undernutrition varies widely.
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Social tensions preceded disruptions in ancient Pueblo societies

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Drought is often blamed for the periodic disruptions of ancient Pueblo societies of the U.S. Southwest, but in a study with potential implications for the modern world, archaeologists found evidence that slowly accumulating social tension likely played a substantial role in three dramatic upheavals in Pueblo development. The findings show that Pueblo farmers often persevered through droughts, but when social tensions were increasing, even modest droughts could spell the end of an era of development.
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Surgical procedure may help restore hand and arm function after stroke

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Patients who received a novel treatment that combines vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) and rehabilitation showed improvement in upper body motor impairment compared to those who received sham (inactive form of) stimulation and rehabilitation.
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Fooling fusion fuel: How to discipline unruly plasma

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
PPPL scientists have developed a type of deception to calm unruly plasma and accelerate the harvesting on Earth of fusion energy.
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Is night shift really helping you sleep better?

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A new study from BYU published in Sleep Health challenges the premise made by phone manufacturers and found that the Night Shift functionality does not actually improve sleep.
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Cleaner water through corn

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Corn is America's top agricultural crop, and also one of its most wasteful. About half the harvest--stalks, leaves, husks, and cobs-- remains as waste after the kernels have been stripped from the cobs. These leftovers, known as corn stover, have few commercial or industrial uses aside from burning. A new paper by engineers at UC Riverside describes an energy-efficient way to put corn stover back into the economy by transforming it into activated carbon for use in water treatment.
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Two novel biobanks offer investigatory targets for cocaine and oxycodone addiction

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Researchers have created to novel biobanks of diverse tissues from animals to further explore the biological bases and consequences of addiction to cocaine and oxycodone.
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Researcher questions whether powered flight appeared on non-avialan dinosaurs

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
"Birds are a group of dinosaurs of which we have discovered 150-million-year-old fossils with fully developed wings. Among their closest non-avialan relatives, we have also found fossils with sufficiently developed wings that could provide them with some aerodynamic benefit, whether to glide between trees or get thrust to climb and jump over obstacles. But this does not mean that they could take off by flapping their wings or maintain a powered flight", explains Francisco Serrano.
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Psst! Have you heard that gossip isn't all bad?

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Gossip is often considered socially taboo and dismissed for its negative tone, but a Dartmouth study illustrates some of its merits. Gossip facilitates social connection and enables learning about the world indirectly through other people's experiences.
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A new perspective on the genomes of archaic humans

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Researchers examined 14,000 genetic differences between modern humans and our most recent ancestors at a new level of detail. They found that differences in gene activation - not just genetic code - could underlie evolution of the brain and vocal tract.
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Forensic scientists unlocking unique chemical signatures in tires

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Skid marks left by cars are often analyzed for their impression patterns, but they often don't provide enough information to identify a specific vehicle. UCF Chemistry Associate Professor Matthieu Baudelet and his forensics team at the National Center for Forensic Science, which was established at UCF in 1997, may have just unlocked a new way to collect evidence from those skid marks.
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Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have a small risk of heart failure

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Doctors are encouraged to watch for symptoms in early hospitalization
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Normally harmless cell molecule triggers neuron death

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A vital intermediate in normal cell metabolism is also, in the right context, a trigger for cell death, according to a new study from Wanli Liu and Yonghui Zhang of Tsinghua University, and Yong Zhang of Peking University in Beijing, publishing 26th April 2021 in the open access journal PLOS biology. The discovery may contribute to a better understanding of the damage caused by stroke, and may offer a new drug target to reduce that damage.
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Spike in severe pediatric type 2 diabetes complication during COVID-19 pandemic

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Children's Hospital Los Angeles study reveals a surge of patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis, a severe complication of type 2 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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