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Vertical turbines could be the future for wind farms

Eurekalert - Apr 27 2021 - 00:04
The now-familiar sight of traditional propeller wind turbines could be replaced in the future with wind farms containing more compact and efficient vertical turbines. New research from Oxford Brookes University has found that the vertical turbine design is far more efficient than traditional turbines in large scale wind farms, and when set in pairs the vertical turbines increase each other's performance by up to 15%.
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Pandemic significantly increases insomnia in health care workers

Eurekalert - Apr 27 2021 - 00:04
The COVID pandemic appears to have triggered about a 44% increase in insomnia disorder among health care workers at a medical-school affiliated health system, with the highest rates surprisingly among those who spent less time in direct patient care, investigators say.
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Do fish feel pain? UTA team says it's likely.

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
An international, multidisciplinary team that includes faculty members from The University of Texas at Arlington has published a paper in the journal Philosophical Psychology that wades into the debate about whether fish feel pain.
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Persuading consumers to go green

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
University of Houston researchers identify messaging formula for businesses to more effectively persuade customers to adopt eco-friendly behavior.
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Alternative meats are not suppressing reliance on grazing animal sources

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The addition of meat alternatives such as poultry and fish is not reducing the global production and consumption of energy-gobbling land-based meats, according to new research. That conclusion comes from an analysis of 53 years of international data by University of Oregon sociologist Richard York.
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Higher education does not influence how the brain ages

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Through the pooling of several European brain data sets from the Lifebrain consortium, the current study has been able to track brain changes in individuals over many years. The study found that whereas highly educated people have slightly larger brain volumes than less educated people, their brains shrink at the same rate throughout life.
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Following nature's cue, researchers build successful, sustainable industrial networks

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
By translating the pattern of interconnections between nature's food chains to industrial networks, researchers at Texas A&M University have delineated guidelines for setting up successful industrial communities. The researchers said this guidance can facilitate economic growth, lower emissions and reduce waste while simultaneously ensure that partnering industries can recover from unexpected disturbances.
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Material scientists find new angle toward better heat transfer

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
UCLA materials scientists have developed a class of optical material that controls how heat radiation is directed from an object. Similar to the way overlapping blinds direct the angle of visible light coming through a window, the breakthrough involves utilizing a special class of materials that manipulates how thermal radiation travels through such materials.Recently published in Science, the advance could be used to improve the efficiency of energy-conversion systems and enable more effective sensing and detection technologies.
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New prostate cancer urine test shows how aggressive disease is

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Researchers have developed a new prostate cancer urine test which shows how aggressive the disease is and could reduce invasive biopsies. A new study shows how an experimental new test called 'ExoGrail' has the potential to revolutionise how patients with suspected prostate cancer are risk-assessed prior to an invasive biopsy.The research team say their new test could reduce the number of unnecessary prostate cancer biopsies by 35 per cent.
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The Lancet: Experts call for comprehensive reform of miscarriage care and treatment worldwide

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A three-paper report published in The Lancet highlights that the current approach to miscarriage care must be improved, by providing more accurate diagnosis and appropriate investigations, improved treatments to prevent miscarriage, effective management methods that suit women's needs and preferences, and treatment from health-care professionals specifically trained in early pregnancy care. The authors also note that there is an urgent need to offer psychological support for affected women and their partners.
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Majority of US faculty help students with mental health issues--but few are trained for it

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Nationwide survey, led by BU researcher Dr. Sarah Lipson, indicates colleges and universities need to invest in more resources for faculty "gatekeepers" of mental health.
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New rapid COVID-19 test the result of university-industry partnership

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A partnership between UC Davis and Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr., chairman and CEO of Allegiant Travel Company, has led to a 20-minute COVID-19 test. The method pairs a mass spectrometer with a powerful machine-learning platform to detect SARS-CoV-2 in nasal swabs. A recent study published in Nature Scientific Reports shows the test to be 98.3% accurate for positive COVID-19 tests and 96% for negative tests.
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One in five pharmacies blocks access to key medication to treat addiction

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
One out of five pharmacies refuse to dispense a key medication to treat addiction, according to an audit of hundreds of pharmacies nationwide. Researchers found found that independent pharmacies and those in southern U.S. states were significantly more likely to restrict access to buprenorphine, also known as Suboxone.
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Studies connect hormone to breast cancer and uncover potential for novel targeted drugs

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
The hormone prolactin has long been understood to play a vital role in breast growth and development and the production of milk during pregnancy. But a pair of recent studies conducted at VCU Massey Cancer Center finds strong evidence that prolactin also acts as a major contributor to breast cancer development and that the hormone could inform the creation of targeted drugs to treat multiple forms of the disease.
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Skin and bones repaired by bioprinting during surgery

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Fixing traumatic injuries to the skin and bones of the face and skull is difficult because of the many layers of different types of tissues involved, but now, researchers have repaired such defects in a rat model using bioprinting during surgery, and their work may lead to faster and better methods of healing skin and bones.
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Energy-saving gas turbines from the 3D printer

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
3D printing has opened up a completely new range of possibilities. One example is the production of novel turbine buckets. However, the 3D printing process often induces internal stress in the components which can in the worst case lead to cracks. Now a research team has succeeded in using neutrons from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) research neutron source for non-destructive detection of this internal stress - a key achievement for the improvement of the production processes.
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New clues to the conundrum of mother-to-child HIV transmission

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Each year over 150,000 infants worldwide are infected with HIV in the womb, at birth, or through breastfeeding. Why transmission occurs in some cases but not others has long been a mystery, but now a team led by Weill Cornell Medicine and Duke University scientists has uncovered an important clue, with implications for how to eliminate infant HIV infections.
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Rare neurological condition linked to COVID-19 cases in 21 countries

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
As researchers continue to study the neurological impacts of COVID-19, a Houston Methodist international collaboration has documented an unexpectedly frequent occurrence of acute transverse myelitis - inflammation of the spinal cord - in 43 COVID-19 patients.
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Genetic changes in head and neck cancer, immunotherapy resistance identified

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
A multi-institutional team of researchers, led by UC San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center, has identified both the genetic abnormalities that drive pre-cancer cells into becoming an invasive type of head and neck cancer and patients who are least likely to respond to immunotherapy.
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New study provides insight in identifying, treating lung cancer at early stages

Eurekalert - Apr 26 2021 - 00:04
Lung carcinomas are the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States and worldwide. Lung squamous cell carcinomas (non-small cell lung cancers that arise in the bronchi of the lungs and make up approximately 30 percent of all lung cancers) are poorly understood, particularly with respect to the cell type and signals that contribute to disease onset.
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