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Juvenile white-tailed sea eagles stay longer in the parental territory than assumed

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
The white-tailed sea eagle is known for reacting sensitively to human disturbances. Forestry and agricultural activities are therefore restricted in the immediate vicinity of the nests. However, these seasonal protection periods are too short in the German federal States of Brandenburg (until Aug. 31) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (until July 31), as a new scientific analysis by a team of scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz-IZW) suggests.
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Luring bacteria into a trap

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at ETH Zurich and the University of Basel have developed a vaccine that protects animals from Salmonella. These bacteria often escape the effects of vaccination by genetically modifying their protective coat. The researchers have succeeded in manipulating this process to lure the bacteria into an evolutionary trap.
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A speedy trial: What it takes to be the fastest land predator

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
The cheetah is the fastest land animal, but how? Not much is understood about the dynamics underlying its characteristic "flight" and spine movement. Now, in a new study, a team of researchers from Japan propose and validate an analytical model for studying cheetah galloping by comparing its predictions with cheetah data. While improving upon the current understanding of cheetah's locomotion, their findings pave the way for designing legged robots!
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Activation of carbon-fluorine bonds via cooperation of a photocatalyst and tin

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at Osaka University discover a new organic reaction that selectively converts only a specific carbon-fluorine (C-F) bond in perfluorinated compounds to other functional groups. This is expected to lead to the expansion of the library of seed compounds for fluorine-containing drug discovery.
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Research suggests BMI may not be best obesity indicator to assess risk for lung cancer

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
- New research published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology (JTO) suggests the method used to calculate how obesity is measured may affect whether it is considered a risk factor for lung cancer. The JTO is an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
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Replicating patients' tumors to test different treatments

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
In order to offer a personalised treatment that best suits the case being treated, scientists led by UNIGE had already developed a spheroidal reproduction of tumours that integrates the tumour cells, but also their microenvironment. Today, the Geneva team has succeeded in integrating two types of immune cells that come directly from the patient into the spheroidal structure, making it possible to test the various possible treatments and select the most effective.
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MicroRNAs may contribute to atherogenesis in a cell-type-dependent manner

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have uncovered potential mechanisms by which microRNAs (miRNA) drive atherogenesis in a cell-type-specific manner. Published in the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology journal, the study provides novel insight into the miRNA profiles of the main cell types involved in atherosclerosis.
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How platelets help resolve lung inflammation

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Scientists working with Professor Jan Rossaint and Professor Alexander Zarbock, two anesthesiologists and intensive care specialists at the University of Münster, have found how platelets interacting with white blood cells contribute to the resolution of bacterial lung inflammation in mice. The results may help in the search for therapies to specifically regulate inflammation.
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Global research team develops fine-scale risk maps to tackle malaria in Haiti

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Researchers from Telethon Kids Institute in Perth and Tulane University in New Orleans have developed sophisticated data modelling that could help eradicate malaria in Haiti.
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Better endurance and reliable data retention: A new STT-MRAM Quad technology

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Professor Tetsuo Endoh's Group at Tohoku University's Center for Innovative Integrated Electronics has announced a new magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) quad-technology that provides better endurance and reliable data retention -- over 10 years -- beyond the 1X nm generation.
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New study explores link between economic shock and physical inactivity

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
A new study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine finds critical links between job loss and physical inactivity in young adults during the U.S. Great Recession of 2008-09 that can be crucial to understanding the role of adverse economic shocks on physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Antibiotics no help for mysterious lung-scarring disease, large trial finds

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
The findings dash hopes that antimicrobials would benefit patients with life-threatening idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The trial, however, will still benefit the battle against the deadly lung disease, the researchers say.
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Future Pandemic? Consider Radically Altering Animal Agriculture Practices

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Almost three-quarters of emerging infectious diseases are spread between animals and people. COVID-19 is the latest and most impactful zoonotic event of the modern era. Researchers offer three plausible solutions to mitigate zoonotic risk associated with intensive animal agriculture. They explore incentivizing plant-based and cell-based animal source food alternatives through government subsidies, disincentivizing intensive animal source food production through the adoption of a "zoonotic tax," and eliminating intensive animal source food production through a total ban.
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Target protein identified for improving heart attack treatment

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
A new study led by researchers at Washington State University has identified a protein that could be the key to improving treatment outcomes after a heart attack. Published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, it suggests that protein kinase A (PKA) plays a role in heart muscle cell necrosis, a major type of cell death that commonly occurs after reperfusion therapy, the treatment used to unblock arteries and restore blood flow after a heart attack.
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People who eat a healthy diet including whole fruits may be less likely to develop diabetes

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
A new study finds people who consume two servings of fruit per day have 36% lower odds of developing type 2 diabetes than those who consume less than half a serving. The research was published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
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Researchers learn how swimming ducks balance water pressure in their feathers while diving

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
A Virginia Tech team has discovered the method ducks use to suspend water in their feathers while diving, allowing them to shake it out when surfacing. The discovery opens the door for applications in marine technology.
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Healthy diet before, during pregnancy linked to lower complications, NIH study suggests

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
A healthy diet around the time of conception through the second trimester may reduce the risk of several common pregnancy complications, suggests a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Expectant women in the study who scored high on any of three measures of healthy eating had lower risks for gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related blood pressure disorders and preterm birth.
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Mapping intermittent methane emissions across the Permian Basin

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
The Permian Basin, located in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, is the largest oil- and gas-producing region in the U.S. The oilfield operations emit methane, but quantifying the greenhouse gas is difficult because of the large area and the fact that many sources are intermittent emitters. Now, researchers reporting in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology Letters have conducted an extensive airborne campaign with imaging spectrometers and identified large methane sources across this area.
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World's smallest, best acoustic amplifier emerges from 50-year-old hypothesis

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have built the world's smallest and best acoustic amplifier. And they did it using a concept that was all but abandoned for almost 50 years.
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Young T. rexes had a powerful bite, capable of exerting one-sixth the force of an adult

Eurekalert - Jun 02 2021 - 00:06
Scientists have experimentally measured the bite force of adult T. rexes but not of younger tyrannosaurs. Fossils with juvenile bite marks, discovered by Joseph Peterson, have now allowed him and Jack Tseng to experimentally test how hard juveniles could chomp. Though their bite force is one-sixth that of an adult, it is still stronger than that of living hyenas. The measurement is higher than previous estimates, suggesting a different ecological niche for these youngsters.
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