The Ecological Society of America's first online-only Special Issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment showcases prescribed burns around the globe, some of them drawing on historical practices to manage forests and grasslands in fire-prone regions.
This image shows a prescribed burn in Klamath National Forest, CA.
(Photo Credit: E. Knapp)
The Online Special Issue looks at fire practices in the United States, Australia, southern Europe, South Africa and South America. One review article focuses on the cooperative efforts of US ranchers in the Great Plains using fire to beat back juniper encroachment on native grasslands. Another features traditional Aboriginal approaches to minimize greenhouse-gas emissions from savanna fires in northern Australia. In South America, traditional Mayan practices to produce "forest gardens" are applied to create spaces within the forest for different kinds of crops while contributing to soil fertility and sustaining wildlife. And in southern Europe, a significant challenge is contending with stringent laws that create obstacles for using managed burns to decrease wildfire risk and manage habitats for grazing and wildlife.
This image shows a low intensity prescribed burn in open forest in Australia.
(Photo Credit: N. Burrows)
This image shows a prescribed burning in fire-adapted pines in France.
(Photo Credit: A. Cotterchio)
Source: Ecological Society of America