Bill Andresen, President of the Science Coalition (TSC) issued the following statement today in response to the House Appropriations Committee economic stimulus package proposal:
"The Science Coalition applauds the House for recognizing the vital need to include research funding in the economic stimulus and recovery efforts. Funding for targeted federal research programs will have the immediate impact of creating jobs and stimulating economic activity in communities across the country. This is an example that we hope the Senate will eventually follow.
"Specifically, we applaud President-elect Obama, Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and Representative Obey (D-WI) for their leadership in supporting scientific research funding. Basic research, which is conducted at universities across the country, is an investment that drives our economy and helps us compete in the global marketplace. Today's release of the House economic stimulus package proposal demonstrates that policymakers understand funding for scientific research is an investment, not an expense."
Source: The Science Coalition