TECNALIA Technological Corporation has introduced innovative robots at Euskotren's station in Atxuri (Bilbao) and which are mobile, multifunctional, collaborative, autonomous and polyvalent, suitable for a wide range of work from street cleaning and rubbish collection to accompanying elderly people. This new generation of robots is part of the European DUSTBOT research project under the remit of the VI European Framework Programme and in which TECNALIA is participating.
These latest generation robots are suitable for the monitoring of large spaces (open and closed), as guides for persons in large shopping areas (indicating to them where a particular shop or product is within a shopping centre), for accompanying elderly people or those with certain disabilities (both at home and outside), thanks to their functions of orientation, navigation, communications with others or tele-assistance centres, etc. They can also be used as guides in teaching spaces (museums, visitor centres), and for transport, storage and transport and goods deliveries, besides the cleaning of both open and closed surfaces which have either difficult or easy access. This last function is the one which was recently the object of a public demonstration in the Bilbao rail station of Atxuri.
DUSTBOT has collaborative, multifunctional and autonomous robots that are capable of operating in partially destructured environments/situations based on information provided by a map.
The robots can also facilitate working in large areas, stations, airports and other types of public buildings, without being any obstacle for the activity of these places, given its reduced size, and without being a danger for members of the public, thanks to the novel system for the detection and avoidance of obstacles.
The rail station of the Euskotren company in the Bilbao neighbourhood of Atxuri was chosen for the public presentation of these devices. The demonstration of two robot models was undertaken: the DustCart and the DustClean. The DustCart robot, measuring 1.45 metres high and 70 Kg in weight, has a humanoid form and is designed to interact with the user and for the collection of low demand waste. The DustClean robot, in the form of a small vehicle and measuring 96 cm high and 250 Kg in weight, cleans streets of dirt and dust. Moreover, both control the quality of air in real time.
"These robots are the solution for cleaning areas of difficult access and for the collection of rubbish at the very front door of, above all, persons who have mobility problems when moving the rubbish to the communal waste containers", stated Mr IƱaki Inzunza, Director of the Business Unit at the Tecnalia Technological Corporation.
Leading the Locating, Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance work package within this European project, TECNALIA has also actively worked on the planning algorithms and correction of trajectories. As the Director of the Project, Ms Mercedes Ferros explained, "combining infrared sensors, ultrasound and a laser scanner, the perimeter of the robot is controlled and thus its trajectory corrected if necessary".
This sensor technology of infrared sensors, ultrasound and a laser scanner was applied to detect obstacles, GPRS and ultrasound sensors for locating and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) sensors to control the quality of air. To communicate with the robots, wireless systems were used between the sensors and the various modules (quality of air, locating, navigation, obstacle avoidance) that communicate using CAN with the supervisor PC in each robot. And for communications between the robots themselves and with the Intelligent Ambience nucleus, a WLAN network via ad-hoc mode and bluetooth connection were employed.
Source: Elhuyar Fundazioa