
A group of St. Petersburg scientists has proposed a new method of manufacturing electrodes for lithium-ion batteries that power laptops, smartphones and tablets. The researchers have shown that these elements can be printed on an inkjet printer, which will reduce the electrodes' thickness by 10-20 times and open up new possibilities for manufacturers of compact electronics. Their article has been published in the journal Energy Technology.

Static electricity shock which occurs more often in winter is unpleasant. When two different objects are in repeated contact, it causes friction which then creates static electricity.

This can be found easily in our everyday actions and it is very annoying even between the lovers. In fact, there is no electric current flowing in static electricity but tens of thousands of volts occurs, equal to the power of lightning. Then, can we collect static electricity for use? The answer is yes.

Currently, re-growing forests comprise roughly 21% of previously deforested areas in the Brazilian Amazon. However, these forests, referred to as secondary vegetation, have been little studied, despite occupying a total area similar to that of the United Kingdom.

Now, researchers led by the University of Leeds, the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), and Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) have examined 14 years of data on secondary vegetation formation and cutting in the Brazilian Amazon based on the TerraClass Amazon mapping project.

Today, optical systems mimicking eye functions are of great importance in a wide variety of areas of application: advanced robotics, consumer electronics, medical equipment, and machine vision systems.

"The article describes the latest advances in the development of optical systems that mimic human and mammalian eye functions," Natalya Ivanova, Head of the photonics and microfluidics laboratory at the X-BIO Institute of UTMN, said.

The presence of artificial sweeteners has revealed that at least 13 percent of septic system wastewater from rural Southern Ontario homes eventually makes its way into local streams.

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Waterloo used the presence of artificial sweeteners excreted from humans to identify the wastewater content in streams across rural Southern Ontario.

Could patients experience less pain and possibly have better recovery outcomes if their fears or emotional issues were addressed before surgery?

Three researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, recently developed a predictive model to examine that question.

Age and geographical location have the strongest influence on immune composition and vaccine responses, with anaemia having a considerable effect, according to a study co-led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by "la Caixa", the Babraham Institute and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, in collaboration with the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM). The results, published in Science Translational Medicine, will help improve the efficacy of early childhood vaccines in low-income countries.

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center systematically investigated the DNA of more than 2,600 tumor samples from patients with 38 different types of cancer to discover traces of viruses - which they found in 13 percent of the samples studied. The researchers also identified mechanisms that the pathogens use to trigger carcinogenic mutations in the DNA. The work is part of the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG), an initiative launched by the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC).

No two tumors are alike. That's why two people with the same kind of cancer can react very differently to the same medicine. In one the tumor gets smaller, in another the degenerated tissue remains unaffected. Usually this is due to genetic variations in the individual cancer cells.

MADISON, Wis. -- The magnetic, conductive and optical properties of complex oxides make them key to components of next-generation electronics used for data storage, sensing, energy technologies, biomedical devices and many other applications.

Bumblebees are the big lifters of the insect world, able to fly back to the hive with almost their own bodyweight in nectar on board. A study published Feb. 5 in Science Advances shows how they do it - and that bees can show more flexibility in behavior than you might expect from a bumbling insect.

Brain scientists led by Sebastian Haesler (NERF, empowered by IMEC, KU Leuven and VIB) have identified a causal mechanism of how novel stimuli promote learning. Novelty directly activates the dopamine system, which is responsible for associative learning. The findings have implications for improving learning strategies and for the design of machine learning algorithms.

Novelty and learning

The manufacturing sector is envisioned to be heavily influenced by artificial intelligence-based technologies with the extraordinary increases in computational power and data volumes.

Data-driven methods use sensor data, such as vibration, pressure, temperature, and energy data to extract useful features for diagnosis and prediction. A central challenge in manufacturing sector lies in the requirement of a general framework to ensure satisfied diagnosis and monitoring performances in different manufacturing applications.

Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR), belonging to the Department of Zoology, have provided new data on Hypothenemus hampei, a tiny beetle of just over a millimeter in size that is known as 'the coffee berry borer', because it attacks coffee berries digging tunnels with cameras in which they lay eggs.

Aphelocheirus aestivalis, a waterbug found in mid and high sections of well-oxygenated and preserved rivers in the European continent, has been found for the first time in Catalonia (Spain) -specifically in rivers Ter and Llobregat- according to an article published in the journal Limnetica. This discovery confirms the presence of this insect from the Aphelocheiridae family in the Iberian Peninsula and enables the incorporation of a new family of Heteroptera in the Catalan fauna.