
Rockville, Md. --New research finds that nicotine-filled e-cigarettes cause increases in heart rate and blood pressure in young people, health issues that remain even after a vaping session. The research, originally slated for presentation at the APS annual meeting at Experimental Biology (canceled due to the coronavirus), is published in the April issue of The FASEB Journal.

A research team led by North Carolina State University has engineered a new catalyst that can more efficiently convert ethane into ethylene, which is used in a variety of manufacturing processes. The discovery could be used in a conversion process to drastically reduce ethylene production costs and cut related carbon dioxide emissions by up to 87%.

Through the assessment of the 1062 marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean Sea, covering 6% of the Mediterranean Basin, a research team led by the CNRS has shown that 95% of the total area protected lacks regulations to reduce human impacts on biodiversity[1]. Unevenly distributed across political boundaries and eco-regions, effective levels of protection for biodiversity conservation represent only 0.23% of the Mediterranean Basin.

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London and the Russian Academy of Sciences have found a limit to how runny a liquid can be.

Viscosity, the measure of how runny a fluid is, is a property that we experience daily when we fill a kettle, take a shower, pour cooking oil or move through air.

We know that liquids get thicker when cooled and runnier when heated, but how runny can a liquid ever get if we keep heating it?

New York, NY--April 24, 2020--Dion Khodagholy, assistant professor of electrical engineering, is focused on developing bioelectronic devices that are not only fast, sensitive, biocompatible, soft, and flexible, but also have long-term stability in physiological environments such as the human body. Such devices would greatly improve human health, from monitoring in-home wellness to diagnosing and treating neuropsychiatric diseases, including epilepsy and Parkinson's disease.

Organic heterostructures (OHSs) with high spatial and angular precision are key component of the organic optoelectronics, such as organic photovatic (OPV), organic light emitting diodes (OLED), and photo-detectors. Moreover, heterostructure can integrate multiple components into one structure to overcome the challenge of single output channel and provide feasibility for realizing more transmission modes. Besides, the OHSs inherently have advantages including simple solution preparation and synthesis, flexible molecular structure design and broad spectral tenability.

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) have developed an improved catalyst by taking the common dehydrating agent calcium hydride and adding fluoride to it. The catalyst facilitates the synthesis of ammonia at merely 50 °C, by using only half the energy that existing techniques require. This opens doors to ammonia production with low energy consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emission.

The fundamental laws of physics are based on symmetries that, among other things, determine the interactions between charged particles. Using ultracold atoms, researchers at Heidelberg University have experimentally constructed the symmetries of quantum electrodynamics. They hope to gain new insights for implementing future quantum technologies that can simulate complex physical phenomena. The results of the study were published in the journal Science.

Florida State University researchers have discovered a novel structure for organic-inorganic hybrid materials that shows potential for more efficient technologies.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] -- When someone opens a laptop, a router can quickly locate it and connect it to the local Wi-Fi network. That ability is a basic element of any wireless network known as link discovery, and now a team of researchers has developed a means of doing it with terahertz radiation, the high-frequency waves that could one day make for ultra-fast wireless data transmission.

Tsukuba, Japan - Cells and tissues are far from being mere static structures. They have the ability to sense and dynamically react to external cues to ensure that they adapt to the ever-changing outside environment. Now, researchers from the University of Tsukuba have identified a novel protein that plays a central role in the transduction of external mechanical cues to cells in blood vessel walls.

The bacterium that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum, likely uses a single gene to escape the immune system, research from UW Medicine in Seattle suggests.

The finding may help explain how syphilis can hide in the body for decades, thereby frustrating the immune system's attempts to eradicate it. It might also account for the bacterium's ability to re-infect people who had been previously been infected and should have acquired some immunity to it.

The Sanfilippo syndrome type C is a severe neurodegenerative disease which appearws during the first years of life and for which there is no treatment yet. A recent study, published in Journal of Clinical Medicine, has created brain cell models of neurons and astrocytes that allow researchers to better know the mechanisms of this syndrome and assess potential therapies.

In the midst of unprecedented climate change and population growth, the establishment of a method to rapidly create elite crop varieties via selective breeding is a matter of urgency to maintain the food supply. In order to select such cultivars, it is necessary to define and evaluate a metric for what is a 'superior variety' in an efficient manner. For example, the shape of seeds is understood to be a trait closely linked to the quality and yield of crops, and is thus an important factor when conducting selective breeding.

TORONTO -- In its first clinical trial in patients with a hard-to-treat form of uterine cancer, a targeted drug that subjects tumor cells to staggering levels of DNA damage caused tumors to shrink in nearly one-third of patients, investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute report.