
Perovskite solar cells (pero-SCs) show great potential in the photoelectric fields due to high power conversion efficiency (PCE), simple processing technology, low fabrication cost, etc.. Recently, the highest certificated PCE of pero-SC has reached 25.2%, which shows great promise for the commercialization. Thus, the next research will focus on the fabrication of efficient and modular pero-SCs to further promote the commercialization of pero-SCs.

Frequently, promising cancer therapies fail when applied to patients in the real clinical setting. This occurs despite many of these new treatments demonstrating promising results at the preclinical stage in the lab. One explanation is that many of the tumor models used in early research phases are established cell lines that have been growing for many decades and in two-dimension (2D) culture flasks. These cancer cells might not completely resemble the features of real tumors from patients that expand into three dimensions (3D).

For the first time, using a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, scientists have documented a link between raised levels of calcium in mitochondria and neuronal death in the living brain. This relationship was previously documented in cell culture, but seeing this phenomenon in living mice makes it more likely that this occurs in people also and could point to a new target for Alzheimer's disease.

WASHINGTON, May 12, 2020 -- In the movie "Transformers," cars morph into robots, jets or a variety of machinery. A similar concept inspired a group of researchers to combine gas foaming, which is a blend of chemicals that induces gas bubbling, and 3D molding technologies to quickly transform electrospun membranes into complex 3D shapes for biomedical applications.

A study led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) researchers has revealed how the physical presence of spouses who are co-parenting can alter each other's brain activity.

The researchers analysed how the brain activity of 24 pairs of husband and wife from Singapore changed in response to recordings of infant stimuli such as crying, when they were physically together and when they were separated.

Studies of metal complexes with organic ligands at Kazan Federal University were initiated back in the 1970s by Professor Andrey Popel. Current research, headed by Associate Professor Tamara Bychkova and Associate Professor Valery Shtyrlin, concentrates on complex compounds of transition metals in aqueous and aqueous-organic solutions.

Reproducing efficiently in captivity is crucial for the survival of many wildlife species, yet reproductive success is often lower than in the wild. Currently, many zoo population management strategies prioritise the genetic diversity of captive populations. Scientists now argue that a broader perspective is required which also includes behaviour, life-history, husbandry and environmental considerations. This would improve breeding success in zoos and the maintenance of the diversity of traits, behaviours, and phenotypes of threatened species.

The Super Steel project led by Professor Huang Mingxin at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong (HKU), with collaborators at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), has made important breakthrough in its new super D&P steel (produced using a new deformed and partitioned method) to greatly enhance its fracture resistance while maintaining super strong in strength for advanced industrial applications.

The findings were published in Science on 8 May 2020 in the paper titled "Making Ultrastrong Steel Tough by Grain-Boundary Delamination".

During the COVID-19 pandemic, as demand for SARS-CoV2 diagnostic testing has far outweighed the supply, academic research scientists have begun converting their labs to testing facilities. In a paper published May 10 in Med, a team of investigators from Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center (BMC) outline how they adapted their lab to test patient samples for SARS-CoV2, and they provide a blueprint for other labs that want to do the same thing.

Sound is one of the ancient physical phenomena people studied. Researcher have been exploring the mystery of sound all the time. In recent years, more and more attention has been applied to the study of near-field acoustics. Near-field evanescent wave is a common wave pattern. Its intensity decreases exponentially with distance and tends to be highly spatially confined. Because near-field evanescent wave can carry information and have a high energy density, it has a very broad application prospect in efficient communication, wireless energy transfer and so on.

Quantum physics deals with microscopic systems such as atoms and light particles. It is a theory that makes it possible to calculate the probabilities of the possible results of any measurement taken on these systems. However, what happens during the measurement was a mystery. A team of researchers from the University of Seville, the University of Stockholm (Sweden) and the University of Siegen (Germany) has, for the first time, managed to "film" what happens during the measurement of the quantum system.

The sprawling 11,500-year-old stone Göbekli Tepe complex in southeastern Anatolia, Turkey, is the earliest known temple in human history and one of the most important discoveries of Neolithic research.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority have now used architectural analysis to discover that geometry informed the layout of Göbekli Tepe's impressive round stone structures and enormous assembly of limestone pillars, which they say were initially planned as a single structure.

Anyone who's ever tried to find something in a hurry knows how helpful it is to think about the lost item's color, size and shape. But surprisingly, traits of an object that you can't see also come into play during a search, Johns Hopkins University researchers found.

When participants were asked to spot everyday objects in clutter, they found them about 20 percent faster if they could factor in latent physical traits like hardness or softness - even though people had no idea that they were considering those factors.

The novel fibres' latest advances, published this week in Nature Photonics, have underlined the technology's potential for next generation optical interferometric systems and sensors.

Hollow-core optical fibres combine the free-space propagation performance of the most advanced interferometers with the length scales of modern optical fibres by guiding light around bends in an air or vacuum filled core.

The rainforest fjords of Southeastern Alaska harbour one of the highest concentrations of lichen diversity found anywhere on Earth, according to a new study spearheaded by University of Alberta scientists.

An international team of researchers led by Toby Spribille, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the Faculty of Science, details the names and habitats of lichens, a symbiosis of fungi and algae in Alaska's Glacier Bay National Park.