
Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder characterized by recurrent seizures resulting from excessive excitation or inadequate inhibition of neurons.

Ultrasound stimulation has recently emerged as a noninvasive method for modulating brain activity; however, its range and effectiveness for different neurological disorders, such as Parkinson Disease, Epilepsy and Depression, have not been fully elucidated.

Cities are responsible for more than 70% of the global total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Ability to monitor GHG emissions from cities is an important capability to develop in order to support climate mitigation activities in response to the Paris Agreement. The science community has examined the data collected from different platforms, such as ground-based, aircraft and satellites, to establish a science-based monitoring capability.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS) and the University of Göttingen have now succeeded in analyzing the German COVID-19 case numbers with respect to past containment measures and deriving scenarios for the coming weeks. Their computer models could also provide insights into the effectiveness of interventions in other countries. Their results have been published today online in the journal Science.

Simulations since mid-March

The oxidation of Earth's early atmosphere and ocean played an important role in the evolution of life. Reconstructing the paleo-redox conditions is crucial for the understanding of the coevolution of life and environment. The Cr isotopic composition in sedimentary rocks have been increasingly used as an emerging paleo-redox indicator. It is largely based on the assumption that when the atmospheric oxygen level is relatively high, oxidation of Cr(III) in terrestrial rocks will result in soluble Cr(VI).

Strong convective weather, including thunderstorms, severe winds, hail, tornados, and short-term heavy rainfall, is a type of weather phenomenon that is extremely difficult to predict owing to its small spatial scales and short-term durations. In recent years, high-resolution numerical models have become the focus for weather forecasters to predict strong convective weather. They output simulated radar reflectivities and many other physical parameters that directly display the locations of strong convective weather for forecasters.

Pine martens need neighbours but like to keep their distance, according to new research.

Over three years, the cat-like predators were caught in Scotland and moved to mid-Wales by Vincent Wildlife Trust.

By attaching miniaturised radio-transmitter collars to 39 of the released animals, a tracking team followed them for a year as they explored their new home in Welsh forests.

A new recipe for a bone-graft biomaterial that is supercooled before application should make it easier to meet dental patients' expectation of a good-looking smile while eliminating the pain associated with harvesting bone from elsewhere in their body.

The findings were published in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials on Apr 2, 2020.

Patients missing teeth don't just want a restoration of function. Above all, they want a tooth replacement that gives them a nice smile.

For most adults who lose their vision, blindness results from damage to the eyes or optic nerve while the brain remains intact. For decades, researchers have proposed developing a device that could restore sight by bypassing damaged eyes and delivering visual information from a camera directly to the brain. In a paper publishing in the journal Cell on May 14, a team of investigators at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston report that they are one step closer to this goal.

A newly identified "metabolic signature" can evaluate an individual's adherence and metabolic response to the Mediterranean diet and help predict future risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to new research led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health with collaborators from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and Spain.

The metabolic signature consists of 67 metabolites--small chemicals produced in the processes of metabolism that circulate in the bloodstream--and can be measured through a blood sample.

Hamilton, ON (May 14, 2020) - McMaster University researchers have discovered a combination punch to treat drug-resistant infections that is showing promise based on testing in mice.

Researchers found that a natural product called dephostatin is an effective partner for the antibiotic colistin in treating infections caused by the bacteria Salmonella.

Experts from the University of Surrey believe their dream of clean energy storage is a step closer after they unveiled their ground-breaking super-capacitor technology that is able to store and deliver electricity at high power rates, particularly for mobile applications.

For the fundamental basic composition of any steel - iron and carbon - the concentration and ordering of carbon atoms and their interaction with the iron host lattice in martensitic steels was analysed by a team of scientists from the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (MPIE) and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB). The scientists examined the mechanisms of collective interstitial ordering in Fe-C steels and determined how anharmonicity and segregation affect the ordering mechanism and consequently, the material's performance.

When winter smog takes over Asian mega-cities, more particulate matter is measured in the streets than expected. An international team, including researchers from Goethe University Frankfurt, as well as the universities in Vienna and Innsbruck, has now discovered that nitric acid and ammonia in particular contribute to the formation of additional particulate matter. Nitric acid and ammonia arise in city centres predominantly from car exhaust.

Many will undergo a CT scan at some point in their lifetime - being slid in and out of a tunnel as a large machine rotates around. X-ray computed tomography, better known by its acronym CT, is a widely used method of obtaining cross-sectional images of objects.

Now a research team - led by Tohoku University Professor, Wataru Yashiro - has developed a new method using intense synchrotron radiation that produces higher quality images within milliseconds.

In the brains of people that suffer from long-term multiple sclerosis (MS), inflammatory cells are not entering the brain via the bloodstream anymore. Instead, the cells arise from local memory cells in the brain. Nina Fransen and her colleagues of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience show this in a recently published article in the scientific journal Brain.