
Volcanic eruptions and human-caused changes to the atmosphere strongly influence the rate at which the ocean absorbs carbon dioxide, says a new study. The ocean is so sensitive to changes such as declining greenhouse gas emissions that it immediately responds by taking up less carbon dioxide.

Satellite data of Tropical Cyclone Nisarga's cloud top temperatures revealed that the storm had strengthened before it began making landfall in west central India.

Nisarga formed around 5 p.m. EDT (2100 UTC) on June 2, and had maximum sustained winds near 40 knots (46 mph/74 kph) at that time. Within 12 hours, the storm intensified to hurricane strength.

Chemical oxidation, the selective removal of electrons from a substrate, represents one of the most important transformations in chemistry. However, most common oxidants often show disadvantages such as undesired side reactions. The chemist Marcel Schorpp and colleagues from the group of Prof. Dr. Ingo Krossing from the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University of Freiburg have successfully generated a novel and extremely stable perfluorinated radical cation. In cooperation with Stephan Rein from the group of Prof. Dr.

WASHINGTON -- Although perovskites are a promising alternative to the silicon used to make most of today's solar cells, new manufacturing processes are needed to make them practical for commercial production. To help fill this gap, researchers have developed a new precision spray-coating method that enables more complex perovskite solar cell designs and could be scaled up for mass production.

Driven by the ever-increasing desires of the consumer market for smaller, lighter and smarter devices, the size of consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, have been continually shrinking while becoming more powerful in terms of performance over the years.

A research team in Ehime University found novel bioaccumulative compounds in mussels inhabiting Hiroshima Bay and suggested their unintentional (natural) formation in the environment. The findings were published on March 12, 2020 in Environmental Science & Technology and selected as a supplementary cover of the journal.

Climatologists have found that if an ongoing Philippine volcanic eruption becomes more violent, the gases released are likely to produce an El Niño event during the 2020-21 winter, a more intense polar vortex and warming across Eurasia.

Should public health guidelines recommend reducing saturated fat consumption as much as possible? Nutrition experts are tackling that controversial question head-on in a new series of papers outlining key points of agreement--and disagreement--in how to interpret the evidence and inform health guidelines.

Solar power systems with double-sided (bifacial) solar panels--which collect sunlight from two sides instead of one--and single-axis tracking technology that tilts the panels so they can follow the sun are the most cost effective to date, researchers report June 3rd in the journal Joule. They determined that this combination of technologies produces almost 35% more energy, on average, than immobile single-panel photovoltaic systems, while reducing the cost of electricity by an average of 16%.

Plants need nitrogen in the form of ammonium if they are to grow. In the case of a great many cultivated plants, farmers are obliged to spread this ammonium on their fields as fertiliser. Manufacturing ammonium is an energy-intensive and costly process - and today's production methods also release large amounts of CO2.

Superhydrophobic surfaces repel water like nothing else. This makes them extremely useful for antimicrobial coatings - as bacteria, viruses and other pathogens cannot cling to their surfaces. However, superhydrophobic surfaces have one major flaw - they are extremely susceptible to cuts, scratches or dents. If a superhydrophobic surface gets damaged, the damaged area can trap liquids and the benefits of the coating are lost.

Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have developed a theoretical foundation and new computational tools for predicting a material's spin dynamics, a key property for building solid-state quantum computing platforms and other applications of spintronics.

University of New Mexico (UNM) Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Dr. Tobias Fischer and Syracuse University research fellow (now University of Auckland Lecturer), Dr. James Muirhead led an international team of interdisciplinary researchers to investigate the role of carbon in the break-up of continents.

This work, much of which has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, is a culmination of research efforts that started with former students from UNM and other US, French, Tanzanian and Kenyan universities.

A review of 56 randomized clinical trials finds that psychological and behavioral therapies may be effective non-drug treatments for reducing disease-causing inflammation in the body.

The results of the analysis, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found that cognitive behavior therapy, or CBT, was superior to other psychotherapies at boosting the immune system.