Six ways primary care "medical homes" are lowering health care spending

Six Ways Primary Care "Medical Homes" Are Lowering Health Care Spending

New analysis of 394 U.S. primary care practices identifies the aspects of care delivery that are associated with lower health care spending and lower utilization of emergency care and hospital admissions. Researchers from the Urban Institute and RTI International analyzed health care cost data from a large group of Medicare patients and their primary care practices. Each practice previously took part in a 2011-2014 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services initiative to establish advanced primary care "medical homes," with improved and centralized care coordination.

What worked to reduce overall health care cost and utilization? At the top of the list: primary care practices that used patient clinical data to identify and remind patients due for preventive services saved, on average, about $70 per patient per month, lowered acute care hospital spending, and reduced hospitalizations and emergency department visits in their patient population.. Additionally, using their patient clinical records to initiate pre-visit planning, clinician reminders, targeted patient outreach, and population health monitoring were also linked to lower total Medicare spending. In short, practices that were able to leverage their patient data registry to anticipate need and target effective preventive services saved money.

Additional activities that were associated with fewer emergency department visits, reduced acute care spending and/or reduced hospital admissions include: offering targeted consultations for patients with chronic conditions to set health goals; following patients during hospital stays and supporting other specialists in patient care; establishing a protocol for sharing information in medical referrals; and adopting systematic approaches to quality improvement. Surprisingly, expanding access to care, such as expanded night and weekend hours, was not associated with lowered health care spending, utilization of emergency departments, nor reduced hospital readmissions.

Patient-Centered Medical Home Activities Associated With Low Medicare Spending and Utilization
Rachel A. Burton, MPP, et al
The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C.

American Academy of Family Physicians