Self-Monitoring Leads to Better Blood Pressure Control at 12 Months

Researchers reviewed 52 published studies to evaluate the effectiveness of self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP) with or without support in adults with hypertension.

SMBP is the measurement of BP at home or outside the clinical setting. The reviewers assessed three comparisons: SMBP monitoring alone versus usual care; SMBP monitoring with additional support (e.g. educational materials, web resources, nurse or pharmacist visits, and telecounseling) versus usual care; and SMBP monitoring with additional support versus SMBP monitoring with no additional support or less intense additional support.

Moderate-strength evidence shows that compared to usual care, SMBP monitoring alone improves BP control at 6 months, but not at 12 months. Strong evidence suggests that SMBP monitoring with support leads to better BP control at 6 and 12 months compared to usual care. The studies included in the analysis did not show a difference between SMBP monitoring plus support versus SMBP monitoring alone or with little support.

The analysis suggests that SMBP monitoring lowers BP in the short term, but its sustainability and long-term clinical effectiveness remain uncertain.

The researchers conclude that more research is needed to determine the long-term benefits of SMBP monitoring.