Role-playing games make students want to exercise more, says study

Research performed at the University of Granada (Spain) say it has proved that role-playing games (RPGs) have a very positive effect on the knowledge and habits of physical and sports practice from a health viewpoint in students of Secondary Education and that role playing can make exercise and healthy life habits more attractive for teenagers.

To conduct the study, the authors prepared an intervention program based on a role-playing game at the Institute of Secondary Education of Granada. The study was carried out over 3 months with 1-hour sessions twice per week.

The study was carried out with the participation of students aged between 15 and 16. The group was made up of 26 individuals (18 girls and 8 boys). The educational center is located in a peripheral area of the city of Granada, and receives students of medium-low income.

"The Guardian of Health"

The researchers of the UGR named their role-playing game "The Guardian of Health". It is an adventure that takes place in the imaginary island of Danagra. The name of the teacher of Physical Education is Salutis and he helps students to get rid of the many unhealthy habits they subject their bodies to every day. To win, they must reach the Clover of Health and overcome different challenges, related to a specific content of Physical Education directed to health: feeding, warm-up and back to calm, aerobic resistance, postural hygiene, etc.

The students who participated in the role-playing game were placed in groups of six and each adopted a persona during the game (warrior, bard, archer, priest, explorer or magician).

The researchers of the UGR also made use of new information and communication technologies as a didactic resource. For example, they set up 'healthy chat debate forums' online about current affairs connected to physical education and health.

They say the results of this project prove that role-playing games are a "suitable" alternative to the traditional model of physical education and that at the end of the program there was significant improvement in the knowledge and healthy practice habits of students and their level of satisfaction with the methodology was very high.

Source: University of Granada