The research team led by Prof. WENG Jianping from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has implemented a comprehensive preconception-to-pregnancy management plan, namely CARNATION study, for women with type1 diabetes (T1D), to reduce the risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes and improve the pregnancy care since 2015. The study was published in Diabetes Care.
The management plan, approved by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the checklist for the relevant health care providers (HCPs) covering 20 items of care in different stages from preconception care to postpartum care. These items include information on multidisciplinary cooperation and recommendations on diet, management of diabetes and its complications and other medical issues.
T1D commonly occurs among children and teenagers. However, pregnancy may speed up T1D complication, and T1D in turn is considered as a major factor in high-risk pregnancy.
To find out the key point for the pregnancy care management with pregestational T1D and how to make the information of pregnant women with T1D effectively pass through multidisciplinary fields, are questions need to be answered.
CARNATION study put prospective cohort study into priority. It provided T1D eugenic preconception counseling services and screening methods, and gave blood glucose treatment from pregnancy to postpartum stages as well as neonatal treatment.
Besides, this study proved that severe adverse pregnancy outcomes and several other adverse outcomes among pregnant women with T1D could be significantly lowered down.
Pregnant women with T1D take from a quadruple to ten times of higher risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes with fetal macrosomia, congenital malformation, intrauterine growth retardation, premature delivery as well as neonatal mortality. This study may help to change the situation.