Policies encouraging healthy eating could greatly cut cancer-related costs

image: Reduction in cancer disparity is defined as the ratio of new cancer cases prevented per 1,000,000 among higher-income individuals to those of SNAP participants. A number greater than one corresponds to a greater number of new cancer cases being prevented among SNAP than higher-income individuals (reducing disparity); a number less than one corresponds to a smaller number of new cancer cases being prevented among SNAP than higher-income individuals (worsening disparity). All national food price policies meaningfully reduced cancer burdens, while SNAP-targeted food price policies, alone or in combination with national policies, reduced cancer disparities.

Heesun Eom, Tufts University

Baltimore (June 9, 2019) - The foods we eat can play an important role in preventing cancer. New modeling research presented at Nutrition 2019 shows that policies using taxes or warning labels to encourage healthier eating could reduce the number of people who develop cancer, which would bring significant savings in medical costs.

Nutrition 2019 is being held June 8-11, 2019 at the Baltimore Convention Center. Contact the media team for more information or to obtain a free press pass to attend the meeting.

Reducing obesity-related cancers

How will new added-sugar nutrition labeling affect cancer cases?
A new modeling study estimates that, based on changes in consumer behavior, the soon-to-be-implemented added-sugar labeling on all U.S. packaged foods could prevent 35,500 new obesity-related cancer cases and 16,700 cancer deaths over a lifetime in the U.S. The policy would also save an estimated $1.4 billion in direct medical costs. After taking into consideration additional savings from patient time and productivity loss as well as policy implementation costs from both the government and industry, the policy would save an estimated $0.5 billion in total costs from the society level. Industry reformulations would likely add to the prevented cancer cases and health care cost savings. Mengxi Du, Tufts University, will present this research on Tuesday, June 11, from 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center, Room 314/315 (abstract).

Would taxing sugar-sweetened beverages save health-care costs?
A new study estimates that a national tax of 1 cent per ounce of sugar-sweetened beverage could prevent around 17,000 new obesity-associated cancers cases and 10,000 cancer deaths. This modeling study estimates that this tax would save $2.4 billion in lifetime medical costs for 13 types of cancer. The largest health benefits were for endometrial, kidney and liver cancer. Christina Griecci, Tufts University, will present this research on Sunday, June 9, from 12:45 - 1:45 p.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center, Halls A-B (Poster 75) (abstract).

The costs of unhealthy eating

What is the cost of cancers associated with poor diet?
A new analysis reveals that over 5 years, cancers attributable to unhealthy eating among U.S. adults resulted in direct medical costs of $6.9 billion (2015 dollars). Nearly 70 percent of this cost is due to colorectal cancer attributable to poor diet. The calculations are based on the estimated number of cancers cases attributed to not eating enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy, and eating more processed meats, red meats and sugar-sweetened beverages. Given the substantial economic burden of diet-attributable cancers, nutritional policies may help reduce cancer cases and their associated costs. Jaya Khushalani, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will present this research on Monday, June 10, from 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center Room 317 (abstract).

Can we decrease cancer disparities?
Results from a new study suggest that policies targeting food price could help reduce cancer disparities among low-income participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Of the policies modeled, a 10 percent national tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and processed meat together with a 30 percent SNAP-targeted food subsidy would produce the largest reduction in cancer disparities, with about 16 more cases averted per million SNAP users compared to higher-income individuals. The overall greatest decrease in cancer cases would result from a national 30 percent subsidy for fruits, vegetables and whole grains combined with a 10 percent tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and processed meats, which would have eliminated an estimated 7,208 new cancer cases among US adults in 2015. Heesun Eom, Tufts University, will present this research on Sunday, June 9, from 1:45 - 2:45 p.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center, Halls A-B (Poster 230) (abstract).

Which policies would reduce processed meat consumption?
A new simulation study found that using an excise tax or warning label on processed meats could bring substantial health and economic benefits. The researchers found that over a lifetime a 10 percent excise tax could prevent 77,000 colorectal and 12,500 stomach cancer cases and generate a savings of $1.1 billion in health-care costs while warning labels may prevent 85,400 colorectal and 15,000 stomach cancer cases with a savings of $1.3 billion from health-care costs. Groups who benefited most from the policies were younger, had a higher cancer risk or ate the most processed meat prior to policy implementation. David D. Kim, Tufts Medical Center, will present this research on Monday, June 10, from 8:00 - 8:15 a.m. in the Baltimore Convention Center, Room 314/315 (abstract).

American Society for Nutrition