New study shows simple task at 6 months of age may predict risk of autism

New research from Kennedy Krieger finds that a simple pull-to-sit task at six months of age may predict risk of an autism spectrum disorder. Researchers at Kennedy Krieger identified weak head and neck control as a red flag for autism and language and/or social developmental delays. This video is an example of the weak head and neck control; the infant is unable to maintain head alignment when being carefully, yet firmly, pulled by the arms from lying flat on his/her back to a sitting position.

(Photo Credit: Kennedy Krieger Institute)

New research from Kennedy Krieger finds that a simple pull-to-sit task at six months of age may predict risk of an autism spectrum disorder. Researchers at Kennedy Krieger identified weak head and neck control as a red flag for autism and language and/or social developmental delays. This video is an example of typical head and neck control; the infant is able to maintain head alignment when being carefully, yet firmly, pulled by the arms from lying flat on his/her back to a sitting position.

(Photo Credit: Kennedy Krieger Institute)

Source: Kennedy Krieger Institute