New policies for dual use research released by US federal government

What: The U.S. government today released two new documents to guide researchers in carrying out dual use research of concern.

First, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy today published a draft policy for public comment that proposes to formalize the roles and responsibilities of institutions and researchers when they are conducting certain types of research on specific pathogens and toxins. Researchers are often best poised to understand the potential misuse of the information, technologies and products emanating from their research and to propose and implement strategies to mitigate risks.

Second, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today published a framework to guide funding decisions on proposals for research anticipated to generate HPAI H5N1 (avian influenza) viruses that are transmissible among mammals by respiratory droplets. The new framework outlines a robust review process that takes into account the scientific and public health benefits, the biosafety and biosecurity risks, and the appropriate risk mitigation measures pertinent to the proposed research. The HHS framework is outlined in a Policy Forum that published today in the journal Science.

Who: Amy Patterson, M.D.Associate Director for Science Policy, National Institutes of HealthFranca Jones, Ph.D.Assistant Director, Chemical and Biological Countermeasures, OSTP

When: 12-12:45 p.m. EST, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013

How: By teleconference; please email for dial-in information. An audio file of the call will be available for members of the media after the event.

Source: NIH/Office of the Director