New paper helps advance myopia management strategies

image: Mark Bullimore, MCOptom, PhD, FAAO, is a scientist, speaker, and educator renowned for his expertise in myopia, contact lenses, low vision, presbyopia, and refractive surgery. His new literature analysis published in Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics gives eye care practitioners a comprehensive analysis of evidence-based information needed to help manage myopia.

(c) Dr. Mark Bullimore

SAN RAMON, Calif., May 12, 2020--A new literature analysis published in Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, the peer-reviewed journal of The College of Optometrists, gives eye care practitioners (ECPs) a comprehensive analysis of evidence-based information needed to help manage myopia.

Written by Dr. Mark Bullimore and Dr. Kathryn Richdale, "Myopia Control 2020: Where are we and where are we heading?" presents a range of critically evaluated safety and efficacy considerations for behavioral, optical and pharmaceutical myopia management pathways.1 The paper is available via open access.

The authors note the paper seeks to present a snapshot of the rapid evolution of the field, addressing multiple questions that ECPs may have. These include not only who to manage, but also relative strengths of various methodologies and when to modify or stop care. The review also discusses potential future avenues for myopia management, including a continuum of care starting with the delay of onset followed by individual or combination therapies to slow myopia progression.

"Management of an individual child should be underpinned by the evidence-based literature and clinicians must stay alert for ongoing myopia research. [This] will undoubtedly result in the evolution of the standard of care for the myopic and pre-myopic child," write Bullimore and Richdale.

The review supports a call for ophthalmology and optometry to determine a collaborative framework and referral patterns in the interest of prevention, education, and proactively addressing associated pathology. This includes working with the pediatrics and school communities to reach a broad population with high impact.

The paper was supported by an educational grant from CooperVision.

"We hope this comprehensive review reaches ECPs to offer sound, science-backed evaluation that can help advance myopia management strategies in practices worldwide," said James Gardner, Vice President of Global Myopia Management at CooperVision. "Clinical education plays an important role in our efforts to grow the category, alongside ongoing research, groundbreaking products such as our MiSight® 1 day contact lenses, advocacy and corporate social responsibility initiatives."

Mark Bullimore, MCOptom, PhD, FAAO, is a scientist, speaker, and educator renowned for his expertise in myopia, contact lenses, low vision, presbyopia, and refractive surgery. He spent most of his career at the Ohio State University and the University of California at Berkeley and is now Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston. Dr. Bullimore is Associate Editor of Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics and the former Editor of Optometry and Vision Science.

Kathryn Richdale, OD, PhD, FAAO, was founding director of the Clinical Vision Research Center, and established the Myopia Control Clinic at the State University of New York before joining the University of Houston as a tenured Associate Professor in 2017. She conducts research in the areas of cornea, contact lenses and refractive error. Dr. Richdale is also an attending doctor in the Cornea and Contact Lens Clinic and co-director of the Myopia Management Service.

McDougall Communications