Marine litter in the Bay of Biscay

image: Marine sectors and principal polymeric materials of the microplastics in the Bay of Biscay

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Microplastics constitute an environmental problem of growing concern, and various studies have identified the Bay of Biscay as an area where marine litter builds up. The research that has now been published establishes considerable variability in the spatial and temporal distribution of microplastics confirming their presence in over 50% of the water and sediment samples collected for analysis purposes.

These are plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm that are deposited in the seas and on the coasts as a result of the dumping of small-sized plastics used in certain products and applications (known as primary microplastics) or as a result of the breaking up of larger objects (secondary microplastics). Owing to the abundance of these particles in the marine environment, their origin, presence and influence on human health and species worldwide is being extensively investigated right now.

In terms of their nature, the polymers most found are polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester and polystyrene, which tally with the main plastics used worldwide. "The predominance of fragments and fibres in the results of the studies suggests that the microplastics in this region originate mainly from the breaking up of larger objects. However, the difficulty in comparing the various pieces of research owing to the different methodologies used in them is evident, so consensus needs to be reached on standardized methods for monitoring microplastics in the marine environment," said the research group responsible for the study.

University of the Basque Country