EARTH: How dinosaurs arose

Ask your kid what happened to the dinosaurs, and he or she will likely tell you that an asteroid killed them all. But ask how dinosaurs rose to prominence and you'll likely get a blank stare. Even many paleontologists may have little to say about the subject. But now, as EARTH explores in a feature in the February issue, new fossil discoveries are revealing the backstory of the rise of dinosaurs.

Learn more about this eye-opening subject in February's article "Triassic Park: On the Origin of Dinosaur Species," and read other analytical stories on topics such as what OPEC's role in the international marketplace will be over the next 50 years, finding new oil and gas discoveries, reconsidering the economic implications of climate change and tracing nuclear weapons using bomb debris, also in the February issue.

These stories and many more can be found in the February issue of EARTH, now available digitally ( or in print on your local newsstands.

Source: American Geological Institute