After the recorder, the violin is the instrument most commonly offered to children by state schools in the UK. The violin is a challenging instrument. Rapid, independent motion of the digital joints in the left hand is desirable. This study was conceived after an 11-year-old patient volunteered that she had given up playing the violin because of difficulty and discomfort manoeuvring the left small and ring fingers independently. On exami¬nation, she was found to have absent FDS (flexor digitorum superficialis) function in the small finger. The research investigated whether lack of inde-pendent movement of the small finger PIPJ affected the musical ability of string players. Because an ana¬tomical variation is fixed, training and strengthening exercises will be unlikely to correct any issues of technique that arise as a result.
Professional string players were tested clinically, using standard and modified tests, for flexor digitorum superficialis function. Two additional physical tests were applied: the gap and stretch tests. The research confirms that elite violinists and viola players usually have independent FDS function. Based on the outcome of this study, a recommendation could be made for children to be examined being offered the violin or viola as an instrument. Not everyone needs to reach a professional level. If absent FDS function is confirmed, an explanation about why certain movements are difficult to execute might be more helpful than giving the advice to practise more.
Source: SAGE Publications