
Mitochondria cannot autonomously cope with stress and must instead call on the cell for help. Molecular geneticists at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have identified the long-sought signaling pathway which enables the organelles to do so.

People say they are more willing to approach cute-looking monkeys in the wild, but in reality end up getting closer to dominant monkeys they believe could pose more risk, according to new research.

Researchers at the University of Lincoln, UK, showed a sample of people photos of wild Barbary macaques - a primate which commonly mingles with tourists in Gibraltar and North Africa - and asked them to assess their faces according to a variety of traits including dominance, trustworthiness, cuteness and socialness.

PHILADELPHIA - Poverty takes a toll on health in many ways. It often causes malnutrition and hunger, creates barriers to access basic resources, and can also impact well-being in more subtle ways linked to social discrimination and exclusion. Nurses, one of the most important healthcare providers, serve both as advocates for patients and as their most constant caregivers. They are trained to provide compassionate care to all.

CAMBRIDGE, MA -- One promising new strategy to treat diabetes is to give patients insulin that circulates in their bloodstream, staying dormant until activated by rising blood sugar levels. However, no glucose-responsive insulins (GRIs) have been approved for human use, and the only candidate that entered the clinical trial stage was discontinued after it failed to show effectiveness in humans.

An international study published in the journal Cell, has described 109 genetic variants associated with eight psychiatric disorders: autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette Syndrome, in a total of about 230,000 patients worldwide.

Denver--March 9, 2020--Including smoking cessation with existing lung cancer screening efforts would reduce lung cancer mortality by 14 percent and increase life-years gained by 81 percent compared with screening alone, according to a study from Rafael Meza from the University of Michigan and colleagues and published in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, a publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

Groundwater is the largest source of freshwater, one of the world's most precious natural resources and vital for crops and drinking water. It is found under our very feet in the cracks and pores in soil, sediments and rocks. Now an international research team led by the University of Göttingen has developed the first global computer model of groundwater flow into the world's oceans. Their analysis shows that 20% of the world's sensitive coastal ecosystems - such as estuaries, salt marshes and coral reefs - are at risk of pollutants transported by groundwater flow from the land to the sea.

Ouch, you've cut your finger! As you fumble to grab a tissue, the paramedics in your blood are already rushing to the scene. These blood cells, called platelets, morph in shape from round to spiny, sticking to each other and to the injured blood vessel walls, to begin patching the gash. The platelets join together with other proteins to form a mesh-like plug--a clot--to stop the bleeding.

Today’s modern world is characterised by live multimedia and multilingual content, such as breaking news and TV programmes and different types of live events like conferences, parliamentary debates, and interviews. Such content is not accessible to everyone and the language service industry has struggled to keep up with the current multilingual content boom.

The effects of Brexit on different food types and what this will mean for families has been measured by research from the University of Warwick. Using structured expert judgement they combine several experts estimates mathematically to give an estimate for the panel as a whole

They estimate that tea, coffee and cocoa will be least effected, and that meat, dairy and jams would be most effected

A collaborative approach is required to build healthcare pathways that will end homelessness in Canada, says the Homeless Health Research Network, a pan-Canadian team of experts including researchers from McGill University. Clinicians can play a role by tailoring their interventions using a comprehensive new clinical guideline on homelessness published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

CLEMSON, South Carolina -- A Clemson University College of Science researcher, together with a team of researchers primarily at Heinrich Heine University in Germany, developed and demonstrated new optical imaging methods to monitor a single molecule in action.

This fluorescence-based technique may accelerate the field of structural biology, helping scientists better understand how molecules are assembled, function, and interact, which in turn may aid in structure-guided drug design.

MADISON, Wis. -- When El Nino approaches, driven by warm Pacific Ocean waters, we've come to expect both drenching seasonal rains in the southern U.S. and drought in the Amazon. Those opposite extremes have huge effects on society and are increasingly predictable thanks to decades of weather data.