
CLEVELAND, Ohio (March 18, 2020)--Nearly one-third of women who choose to have their ovaries removed before the natural age of menopause are susceptible to negative mood and executive dysfunction. A new study shows that a woman's risk for such disorders may be linked with the degree of childhood adversity she experienced. Study results are published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS).

Are we the best at judging our own attractiveness?

New research out in Frontiers in Robotics and AI shows that we might not be after all. Researchers from the Experimental Virtual Environments (EVENT) Lab at the University of Barcelona examined the difference between how we believe we look, and how we view our own body from an outsider's perspective.

In addition, the review found no consistent evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) moderates the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC - the psychoactive component of cannabis) in healthy volunteers

The signaling molecule interleukin-2 (IL-2) has long been known to have powerful effects on the immune system, but efforts to harness it for therapeutic purposes have been hampered by serious side effects. Now researchers have worked out the details of IL-2's complex interactions with receptor molecules on immune cells, providing a blueprint for the development of more targeted therapies for treating cancer or autoimmune diseases.

Thriving bacteria employ some of the strategies of a good rummy player, says Bert Ely, a University of South Carolina biologist.

Ely recently discovered that when bacteria add new DNA to their genome, they release another group of genes that had not proven useful. Much like a rummy player who draws a card and then discards it later if it doesn't help complete the hand.

A new laboratory method allows researchers to create compartments within a liquid that, like drops of oil in water, are separate but have no physical barrier between them. The method could help researchers understand how human cells use similar "membraneless compartments" to segregate and concentrate components for important cellular processes, chemical reactions, or other biological functions.

Botulinum toxins -- a.k.a. botox -- have a variety of uses in medicine: to treat muscle overactivity in overactive bladder, to correct misalignment of the eyes in strabismus, for neck spasms in cervical dystonia, and more. Two botulinum toxins, types A and B, are FDA-approved and widely used. Although they are safe and effective, the toxins can drift away from the site of injection, reducing efficacy and causing side effects.

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine have identified a genetic signature combining certain maternal and fetal gene variants that are associated with a higher risk of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication resulting from sudden elevation in blood pressure that may lead to maternal organ dysfunction and fetal growth restriction. If the condition is not controlled, eclampsia, a serious disorder that causes life-threatening seizures, may follow. Ten to 15 percent of maternal mortality is associated with preeclampsia and eclampsia.

A University of Massachusetts Amherst biostatistician who directs the UMass-based Flu Forecasting Center of Excellence was invited by the White House Coronavirus Task Force to participate Wednesday morning in a coronavirus modeling webinar.

The four-hour, virtual gathering will include 20 of the world's leading infectious disease and pandemic forecasting modelers, from researchers at Harvard, Johns Hopkins and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. to those based at institutions in England, Hong Kong, South Africa and the Netherlands.

The number of deaths and infections from the global coronavirus pandemic is now larger outside China, where the outbreak began, than inside the country. Italy, Iran and South Korea, China’s neighbor, have been among the countries worst hit by the virus.

Everyday life without artificial intelligence is barely conceivable in today's world. Countless applications in areas such as autonomous driving, foreign language translations or medical diagnostics have found their way into our lives. In chemical research, too, great efforts are being made to apply artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine learning, effectively. These technologies have already been used to predict the properties of individual molecules, making it easier for researchers to select the compound to be produced.

A majestic ponderosa pine, standing tall in what is widely thought to have been the "center of the world" for the Ancestral Puebloan people, may have more mundane origins than previously believed, according to research led by tree-ring experts at the University of Arizona.

A study published in the journal American Antiquity provides new data that calls into question the long-held view of the Plaza Tree of Pueblo Bonito as the sole living tree in an otherwise treeless landscape, around which a regional metropolis in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon was built.

For months in 2019, Chidiogo Anyigbo, M.D., MPH, had been consumed by the need to learn more and read more about the upcoming 2020 Census. Dr. Anyigbo realized that in asking peers to underscore the importance of the Census with patients and families, the pediatrician hadn't yet put herself in their shoes.

In late-December 2019, she decided it was time act. She fastened a big yellow pin provided by the DC Mayor's Census Complete Count Committee that stated "Ask me about the 2020 Census" and that day strove to weave her brief spiel into patients' clinical visits.

Why normal cells turn into cancer cells One of the factors is deeply related to the failure of the cell differentiation mechanism called DNA methylation (*1). The joint research groups of The Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, Yokohama City University, and Center for Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM) have clarified new mechanism for controlling DNA methylation in cells.