"While, for example, the closing of cultural institutions was only supported by 49 percent of respondents at the beginning of November, it is now considered appropriate by 62 percent", says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel. "The threat of the pandemic is present in the population."
BfR-Corona-Monitor - as to 8-9 December 2020
Even the closure of eating and dining venues is now viewed more favourably. Compared with the last survey, the proportion of those in favour has risen by twelve percentage points to 54 percent. The accommodation ban is now accepted by 61 percent of respondents, compared with 51 percent two weeks ago. In contrast, approval of the mandatory distance and mandatory use of masks, which has been in place for months, has hardly changed and remains at a very high level.
The behaviour of the population in Germany also shows increasing caution with regard to the coronavirus. For example, 75 percent of the respondents now say they leave their homes less frequently. 83 percent say they see friends and family less often. And stockpiling is also becoming more popular again: four weeks ago, 14 percent were building up larger stocks; that figure now is at 23 percent.
Despite these developments, concern about the impact of the coronavirus on various areas of life remains largely unchanged. As in the last survey at the end of November, just over one-third of the population is concerned about the social impact of the pandemic. Around a quarter is concerned that the coronavirus may affect their physical health; among people aged 60 and over, the figure is one-third.
The BfR continually adapts its FAQs on the topic of coronavirus to the current state of science:
Can the new type of coronavirus be transmitted via food and objects?