Community college program at sea strengthens STEM pipeline

It's 3 a.m., and students from two Oregon community colleges are rocking back and forth through roiling seas. Their objective is to recover an ocean-bottom seismometer that has been lying 160 meters underwater off the west coast of Vancouver Island, where it has been steadily recording seismic signals and long-period pressure trends for the past year. These students are experiencing what earth scientists do for a living, as a part of the Cascadia Initiative's CC@Sea program.

With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), CC@Sea grew out of a previous community college-university collaboration: the NSF-funded Undergraduate Catalytic Outreach and Research Experience (UCORE) program. CC@Sea picks up where UCORE left off in 2012, further building upon it.

So far, these programs have helped 134 community college students gain valuable experience in physical science research. The program has also helped change perceptions of science and engineering among students, while promoting lively discussions and strengthening the STEM pipeline at community colleges.

These programs highlight an important trend in attracting new students to STEM careers in a job market in which the geosciences are increasingly struggling to find qualified candidates to fill positions.

Sort of. We have a glut of PhDs but they don't want to work for nothing. Meanwhile, many jobs that use government-controlled funding want people with a PhD.