New research from the Prevention Research Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation shows that a community-level alcohol intervention in California resulted in a 17% reduction in alcohol-involved crashes among drivers aged 15-30.
The research study assessed an intervention aimed at reducing excessive drinking and harm among teens and young adults, including driving under the influence. Twenty-four California cities were chosen at random for the study with 12 cities then randomly assigned the intervention and 12 cities assigned as controls.
Interventions included sobriety checkpoints, saturation patrols, and undercover operations to reduce service of alcohol to intoxicated bar patrons, with all interventions accompanied by high visibility to raise public awareness. The effect of these efforts translates into about 310 fewer crashes across the intervention cities.
Says lead author, Dr. Robert Saltz: "The impact of alcohol control policies, whether at the city, state, or national level, ultimately depends on local enforcement. Even though numerous strategies to reduce alcohol-impaired driving have been employed over the years, the study shows that enhanced alcohol interventions involving partnerships of community health and law enforcement agencies can further reduce alcohol-impaired driving and related consequences among young people."