Can effective treatments be found for intracerebral hemorrhage?

Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) accounts for 10% and 20% of strokes in high and low-to-middle income countries respectively, but ICH incidence and case fatality do not seem to be declining. In a Health in Action paper published in this week's PLoS Medicine magazine, Colin Josephson, Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, and colleagues (from the University of Edinburgh) discuss the effectiveness of treatments for intracerebral haemorrhage. Despite the lack of decline in ICH incidence and case fatality, the authors find that evidence supports organised stroke unit care and secondary prevention with blood pressure lowering after ICH, and that ongoing randomized controlled trials of treatments that are either intended to limit early ICH growth, reduce perihaematomal oedema, or modify other key pathophysiological mechanisms underlying deterioration after acute ICH, offer hope for future improvements in outcome.

Source: Public Library of Science