WASHINGTON, May 13, 2014 — A new prototype electric car battery could take you a lot farther and last a lot longer. Jeff Pyun, Ph.D., and his team at the University of Arizona are using modified sulfur, a common industrial waste product, to boost the charge capacity and extend the life of these batteries. Their work could also drastically reduce the price of electric car batteries, some of which currently cost more than $10,000 to replace. In the American Chemical Society's (ACS') newest Breakthrough Science video, Pyun and graduate student Jared Griebel explain the technology and its broad implications for the auto industry and beyond. The video is available at http://youtu.be/4fDgD2I8ctM
The previous videos in the series are available here.
A new prototype electric car battery could take you a lot farther and last a lot longer. Jeff Pyun, Ph.D., and his team at the University of Arizona are using modified sulfur, a common industrial waste product, to boost the charge capacity and extend the life of these batteries. Their work could also drastically reduce the price of electric car batteries, some of which currently cost more than $10,000 to replace. In the American Chemical Society's (ACS') newest Breakthrough Science video, Pyun and graduate student Jared Griebel explain the technology and its broad implications for the auto industry and beyond. The video is available at http://youtu.be/4fDgD2I8ctM.
(Photo Credit: The American Chemical Society)
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Source: American Chemical Society