
A natural defence mechanism against heart disease could be switched on by steroids sold as health supplements, according to researchers at the University of Leeds.

The University of Leeds biologists have identified a previously-unknown ion channel in human blood vessels that can limit the production of inflammatory cytokines – proteins that drive the early stages of heart disease.

German scientist Andre Koch from the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig in Bonn together with his supervisor Dr. Wolfgang Boehme and another colleague have described two new monitor lizard species and one new subspecies from the Philippines in a recent article. The species descriptions were published in Zootaxa, the world's foremost journal for taxonomic zoology.

What is leukemia or bone cancer?

In patients with leukemia, the formation of white blood cells in the bone marrow is disrupted. This makes leukemia patients particularly susceptible to infections, because properly functioning white blood cells ensure protection against intruders such as viruses and bacteria. In the US alone, every year around 50.000 adults and children develop leukemia.

T-ALL is caused by interplay of various factors

ATS 2010, New Orleans - Sleep apnea may cause metabolic changes that increase insulin resistance, according to researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The intermittent hypoxia associated with sleep apnea causes a distinct drop in insulin sensitivity in mice, even though chronic hypoxia, such as that associated with high altitude, did not.

The research will be reported at the ATS 2010 International Conference in New Orleans.

ATS 2010 NEW ORLEANS—Patients who encounter serious lung diseases in middle age, despite an absence of family history or other predisposing factors, may still have their genes to blame, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

The study also determined that the use of a simple screening test may help identify those genetic abnormalities and allow detection before the onset of disease.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— You expect to find leading experts in the fields of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine presenting their research at the annual ATS International Conference—physicians and professors, basic scientists, fellows and post-docs, certainly. High school students? Not so much.

Researchers at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) and the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital have identified a previously undiagnosed condition and successfully treated it by performing an experimental stem cell transplant.

Having spent her late teenage years in and out of hospital Katie Pulling had almost given up hope. "It was very confusing and very daunting. I kept hearing the doctors say, 'We don't know what is wrong', 'We don't know why you are so sick'," said Katie, who lives in north-eastern NSW.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— Female sex hormones may work with beta-agonists in reducing airway constriction, according to new bench research from the Mayo Clinic.

The findings will be presented at the ATS 2010 International Conference in New Orleans.

After puberty, women tend to have worse asthma symptoms and exacerbations than men. Women also experience changes in airway reactivity throughout their menstrual cycle, with pregnancy, and at the onset of menopause.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— People with asthma may be well-advised to avoid heavy, high-fat meals, according to new research. Individuals with asthma who consumed a high-fat meal showed increased airway inflammation just hours after the binge, according to Australian researchers who conducted the study. The high fat meal also appeared to inhibit the response to the asthma reliever medication Ventolin (albuterol).

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— Children with severe asthma have more than 30 times the risk of developing adult chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) as adults compared to children without asthma, according to a prospective longitudinal cohort study from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne.

The results will be presented at the ATS 2010 International Conference in New Orleans.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— A new possible treatment to treat P. aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients appears to be promising, according to research to be presented at the ATS 2010 International Conference in New Orleans.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— An emerging technique designed to quickly distinguish between people with active and dormant tuberculosis may help health professionals diagnose the disease sooner, thereby potentially limiting early exposure to the disease, according to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University Medical Center.

ATS 2010, NEW ORLEANS— HIV-infected patients who are falsely diagnosed as having tuberculosis (TB) have higher rates of mortality than those who are correctly diagnosed with the disease, according to a study conducted by researchers at University of California-San Francisco and Makerere University-Kampala.