A recent statewide survey of Californians uncovered that 30% of Black adults and 13% of Hispanic adults felt that they have been judged or treated differently by a health care provider because of their race/ethnicity or language. One out of six Black and Latino Californians were more likely to report strong mistrust of their health care providers. Researchers at the Charles R. Drew University in Los Angeles analyzed data from more than 2,300 White, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic Black adults who asked to report on perceived discrimination due to race, ethnicity, language, income, and insurance status or type. Black and Hispanic adults reported higher rates of discrimination across the board, including income and insurance-based discrimination. Black and Hispanic adults reported higher rates of discrimination, including income and insurance-based discrimination. In addition, 20% and 10% of Black and Latino adults stated that they could not get health care services they needed because of racial/ethnic or language discrimination, respectively.
The analysis also found a link between having a consistent primary care physician and overall medical trust. Adults who did not have a usual source of primary care were much more likely to report mistrust of healthcare providers. The research team discusses the link between medical mistrust, racial and ethnic discrimination in health care, and roots in institutionalized racism, declaring that "resolving mistrust requires addressing systemic bias and prejudice in the medical system," echoing recent sentiments expressed by the American Medical Association.