Automobile control research opens door to new safety features

"This computer vision technology will also enable the development of new automobile safety features, including systems that can allow cars to stay in their lane, avoid traffic and gracefully react to emergency situations – such as those where a driver has fallen asleep at the wheel, had a heart attack or gone into diabetic shock. This can help protect not only the car that has the safety feature, but other drivers on the road as well. That's a next generation of this research."

The computer vision program allows a computer to understand what a video camera is looking at. The program uses algorithms to sort visual data and make decisions related to finding the lanes of a road and detecting how those lanes change as the car is moving. The program also recognizes relevant road signs.

(Photo Credit: Shep Pitts, North Carolina State University)

North Carolina State University researchers have written a program that uses algorithms to sort visual data and make decisions related to finding the lanes of a road, detecting how those lanes change as a car is moving, and controlling the car to stay in the correct lane.

(Photo Credit: Ben Riggan, North Carolina State University)

Source: North Carolina State University