Associations between vaspin levels and coronary artery disease

Associations between Vaspin Levels and Coronary Artery Disease

In a new publication from Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications; DOI, Lutfu Askin, Okan Tanriverdi, Hakan Tibilli and Serdar Turkmen from the Department of Cardiology, Adiyaman Education and Research Hospital, Adiyaman, Turkey consider associations between vaspin levels and coronary artery disease.

Vaspin is a new biological marker of CAD. Low serum vaspin levels are associated with coronary artery stenosis. Plasma vaspin concentration reflects possible endothelial dysfunction in CAD patients and correlates with CAD severity. Plasma vaspin concentration is associated with metabolic syndrome and obesity parameters. The ultimate goal regarding vaspin is to detect and prevent diseases caused by atherosclerosis, as well as to preserve vascular health and contribute to public health.

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Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications