APS tip sheet: correlating matter's distribution in the universe with gamma rays

image: Scientists present the first direct cross-correlation between dark matter and gamma ray emissions

Ammarzzalorso et al. Physical Review Letters (2020)

Studying gamma ray emissions from phenomena like supermassive black holes allows astrophysicists to better conceptualize the behavior of matter under extreme conditions. Although dark matter is thought to account for roughly a quarter of all energy content in the cosmos, its relationship with gamma rays is mysterious. Now, Ammazzalorso et al. have found the first direct cross-correlation between gamma rays and matter in the Universe. They used gamma ray data from Fermi Large Area Telescope and mapped it with weak gravitational lensing -- a method used obtain the mass distribution of objects. The results could improve particle physicists' understanding of the nature of dark matter and whether dark matter can be a source of gamma ray emissions from space.

American Physical Society