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New blood test for the diagnostics of frontotemporal dementia

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A new study by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland shows for the first time that blood-based measurement of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) enables distinguishing patients with frontotemporal dementia from those with primary psychiatric disorders or healthy individuals.
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Amperometric biosensors used to control diclofenac content in food

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
The paper describes amperometric biosensors developed for the determination of diclofenac based on planar platinum electrodes modified with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in chitosan, fullerene C60 in Boltorn H20, gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) in chitosan, and immobilized tyrosinase enzyme.
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Innovative method for producing complex molecules

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A team of researchers at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) has successfully solved the problem of finding a straightforward, cost-effective process for producing hexaarylbenzene molecules with six different aromatic rings. These molecules are important functional materials. The results were published in the reputable journal 'Angewandte Chemie'.
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Ancient diamonds show Earth was primed for life's explosion at least 2.7 billion years ago

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A unique study of ancient diamonds has shown that the basic chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere which makes it suitable for life's explosion of diversity was laid down at least 2.7 billion years ago. This shows that one of the basic conditions necessary to support life, the presence of life-giving elements in sufficient quantity, appeared soon after Earth formed, and has remained fairly constant ever since.
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New method to identify dirt on criminals can lead to prosecution

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Scientists have taken the first steps in developing a new method of identifying the movements of criminals using chemical analysis of soil and dust found on equipment, clothing and cars. The locating system allows police or security services to match soil remnants found on personal items to regional soil samples, to either implicate or eliminate presence at a crime scene. The work is presented as a Keynote Lecture at the Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, after recent publication.
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Infusion centers associated with substantially better outcomes than the ER for patients with acute pain events and sickle cell disease

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A prospective cohort study found that treatment at an infusion center (IC) is associated with substantially better outcomes than treatment in the emergency department (ED) for patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) and uncomplicated vaso-occlusive crises. The findings are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
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Nanomaterials shape and form influences their ability to cross the blood brain barrier

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Nanomaterials found in consumer and health-care products can pass from the bloodstream to the brain side of a blood-brain barrier model with varying ease depending on their shape - creating potential neurological impacts that could be both positive and negative, a new study reveals.
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Seabird colony creates 'halo' of depleted fish stocks

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A vast seabird colony on Ascension Island creates a "halo" in which fewer fish live, new research shows.
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Fossil shark scales provide a glimpse of reef predator populations before human impact

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Scientists recently made news by using fossil shark scales to reconstruct shark communities from millions of years ago. At the same time, an international team of researchers led by UC Santa Barbara ecologist Erin Dillon applied the technique to the more recent past.
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Male dragonflies lose their 'bling' in hotter climates

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
A study in PNAS led by Washington University in St. Louis finds that dragonfly males have consistently evolved less breeding coloration in regions with hotter climates. The research reveals that mating-related traits can be just as important to how organisms adapt to their climates as survival-related traits.
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How can 'shark dandruff' contribute to coral reef conservation?

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Microscopic scales covering a shark's body--dermal denticles--from fossil and modern reefs show how shark communities have changed since humans arrived on the scene.
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How fish got their spines

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Many fish species evolved parts of their fins into sharp, spiny, needle-like elements -- called fin spines -- that function to protect the fish against predators. Such spines have evolved independently in different lineages and are considered evolutionary drivers of fish diversity. In a study published in PNAS a research team based at the University of Konstanz now shows how fin spines arise from soft fin rays and how they could emerge independently in multiple fish groups.
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Study: constructed wetlands are best protection for agricultural runoff into waterways

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Amy Hansen of the University of Kansas and her co-authors found constructed wetlands are the most effective means to improve water quality, especially if the size and location are evaluated at the scale of a watershed -- an entire region that drains into a common waterway.
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The same neural pathways promote maternal and paternal behaviors in voles

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Like female voles, connections between oxytocin neurons in the hypothalamus and dopamine neurons in reward areas drive parental behaviors in male voles, according to new research published in JNeurosci.
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Belowground microbial solutions to aboveground plant problems

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (MPIPZ) have discovered that signaling occurring from the response of plant leaves to light, and plant roots to microbes, is integrated along a microbiota-root-shoot axis to boost plant growth when light conditions are suboptimal.
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Astronomers discover an oversized black hole population in the star cluster Palomar 5

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Palomar 5 is a unique star cluster. In a paper published today in Nature Astronomy, an international team of astrophysicists led by the University of Barcelona show that distinguishing features of Palomar 5 are likely the result of an oversized black hole population of more than 100 of them in the center of the cluster.
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Global BECCS potential is largely constrained by sustainable irrigation

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), a negative emission technology, has been considered inevitable to achieve the 2°C or 1.5°C climate goal. Although numerous studies have been conducted, the effect of irrigation remains largely unexplored when taking water use sustainability into consideration. A new study finds that although unlimited irrigation could increase the global BECCS potential by 60-71% by the end of this century, sustainably constrained irrigation would increase it only 5-6%.
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Psychedelic spurs growth of neural connections lost in depression

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
In a new study, Yale researchers show that a single dose of psilocybin given to mice prompted an immediate and long-lasting increase in connections between neurons. The findings are published July 5 in the journal Neuron.
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Being clean and hygienic need not impair childhood immunity

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
The theory that modern society is too clean, leading to defective immune systems in children, should be swept under the carpet, according to a new study by researchers at UCL and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
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Hunting and hidden deaths led to 30% reduction in WI wolf population

Eurekalert - Jul 05 2021 - 00:07
About 100 additional wolves died over the winter in Wisconsin as a result of the delisting of grey wolves under the Endangered Species Act, alongside the 218 wolves killed by licensed hunters during Wisconsin's first public wolf hunt, according to new research. A majority of these additional, uncounted deaths are due to cryptic poaching, where poachers hide evidence of illegal killings.
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