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New study explores functionality in aquatic ecosystems

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
The functions of water-dominated ecosystems can be considerably influenced and changed by hydrological fluctuation. The varying states of redox-active substances are of crucial importance here. Researchers at the University of Bayreuth have discovered this, in cooperation with partners from the Universities of Tübingen and Bristol and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Halle-Leipzig.
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18.5 million year old vine fossil identified as new species

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
An 18.5 million-year-old fossil found in Panama provides evidence of a new species and is the oldest reliable example of a climbing woody vine known as a liana from the soapberry family. The discovery sheds light on the evolution of climbing plants.
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Overcoming tab overload

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
A research team at Carnegie Mellon University recently completed the first in-depth study of browser tabs in more than a decade. They found that many people struggle with tab overload, an underlying reason being that while tabs serve a variety of functions, they often do so poorly.
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Migratory songbirds climb to extreme altitudes during daytime

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Great reed warblers normally migrate by night during its month-long migration from northern Europe to Sub-Saharan Africa. However, researchers have now discovered that during the few occasions when it continues to fly during daytime, it flies at extremely high altitudes (up to 6300 meters). One possible explanation for this unexpected and consistent behaviour could be that the birds want to avoid overheating. The study is published in Science.
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Consumption of pornography is widespread among young Internet users

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
A new survey shows that websites dedicated to pornography are popular among 16- and 17-year-olds. But social media are playing also a prominent role.
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How bullying and obesity can affect girls' and boys' mental health

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Depressive symptoms are more common in teenage girls than in their male peers. However, boys' mental health appears to be affected more if they suffer from obesity. Irrespective of gender, bullying is a considerably greater risk factor than overweight for developing depressive symptoms. These conclusions are drawn by researchers at Uppsala University who monitored adolescents for six years in a questionnaire study, now published in the Journal of Public Health.
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Some meat eaters disgusted by meat

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Some meat eaters feel disgusted by meat, according to a new study.
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Breaching the blood-brain barrier to deliver precious payloads

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
RNA-based drugs may change the standard of care for many diseases, making personalized medicine a reality. So far these cost-effective, easy-to-manufacture drugs haven't been very useful in treating brain tumors and other brain disease. But a team of researchers at Georgia Tech and Emory University has shown that a combination of ultrasound and RNA-loaded nanoparticles can temporarily open the protective blood-brain barrier, allowing the delivery of potent medicine to brain tumors.
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Study finds racial disparities in concussion symptom knowledge among college athletes

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Among collegiate football players and other athletes, Black athletes recognize fewer concussion-related symptoms than their White counterparts, reports a study in the May/June issue of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (JHTR). The official journal of the Brain Injury Association of America, JHTR is published in the Lippincott portfolio by Wolters Kluwer.
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In the spotlight: Successful synthesis of perovskite visible-light-absorbing semiconductor material

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Narrow-gap semiconductors with the ability to use visible light have garnered significant interest thanks to their versatility. Now, scientists in Japan have developed and characterized a new semiconductor material for application in process components stimulated by light. The findings have, for the first time, suggested a new way to reduce the band gap in cheaper and non-toxic tin-based oxide semiconductors for efficient light-based applications.
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With bacteria against coral bleaching

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Coral bleaching, which is becoming stronger and more frequent due to heat stress, has already wiped out corals at many locations globally. With the help of a microbiome-targeting strategy developed by an international team led by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, it could become feasible to help protect corals from heat stress.
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Essential virulence proteins of corn smut discovered

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Plant pathogen needs membrane-bound protein complex to be virulent
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Discovery of a new genetic cause of hearing loss illuminates how inner ear works

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
A gene called GAS2 plays a key role in normal hearing, and its absence causes severe hearing loss, according to a study led by researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
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Artificial intelligence makes great microscopes better than ever

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Collaboration between deep learning experts and microscopy experts leads to an significantly improved data-intensive light-field microscopy method by using AI and ground-truthing it with light-sheet microscopy. The result is the power of light-field microscopy available to biologists in near real time vs. days or weeks, AND the expansion of biologists' ability to use this microscopy for many things more things requiring the most detailed observation.
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How we retrieve our knowledge about the world

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
In order to find our way in the world, we classify it into concepts, such as "telephone". Until now, it was unclear how the brain retrieves these when we only encounter the word and don't perceive the objects directly. Scientists at the German MPI CBS have now developed a model of how the brain processes abstract knowledge. They found that depending on which features one concentrates on, the corresponding brain regions go into action.
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Study helps to better understand the link between indoor and outdoor air quality

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
A new study finds that the indoor aerosol species are primarily from outdoor air exchange.
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Soybean and linseed oils added to cows' diet improve the quality of milk

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Brazilian researchers show that feed supplementation improves fatty acid profile of milk and promotes a healthier omega-6/omega-3 ratio.
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The African wild dog: An ambassador for the world's largest terrestrial conservation area

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
The world's largest terrestrial conservation area is located in southern Africa and covers 520,000 square kilometers spanning five countries. A study from the University of Zurich now shows that the endangered African wild dog mostly remains within the boundaries of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA) when dispersing, thus highlighting the relevance of such a large-scale conservation initiative for maintaining key wildlife corridors of threatened species.
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Exercise can help support recovery of patients with lasting COVID symptoms, study finds

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Patients with lasting symptoms of COVID-19 who completed a six week, supervised rehabilitation programme demonstrated significant improvements in exercise capacity, respiratory symptoms, fatigue and cognition.
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Distinct cell-to-cell communication processes controlled differently

Eurekalert - May 07 2021 - 00:05
Cells talk to each other to coordinate nutrition, waste removal, energy use, and, in some cases, disease progression. The cells that line the surfaces of organs or specific tissues, called epithelial cells, appear to speak two different languages - one for either side of the cell, according to a new study by researchers based in Japan.
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