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Improving bone marrow transplants in mice to help fight disease

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have designed a cell culture medium that supports the growth and genetic manipulation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells without requiring expensive lab equipment. This technique also eliminates the need to irradiate mice prior to transplantation of these cells, making it less toxic to the animals and improving data generation. This method will be extremely useful for studying how the immune system functions in health and disease.
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New model accounts for the effect of behavior changes to predict COVID-19 cases

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
A new infectious disease model that accounts for people's 'level of caution' or 'sense of safety' accurately captures surges and declines in COVID-19 cases since March 2020 -- and could help predict how the pandemic will eventually end.
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Children of well-educated people have higher survival rates

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
The higher parents' education level, the more likely it is that their children will survive the first five years of life. Over three million births have been examined.
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A quarter of global harvests at risk if agriculture does not adapt to climate change

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
If the agricultural sector fails to adapt better to climate change, food production is set to fall - 10% by mid-century and 25% by 2100 - affecting the supply of a growing world population. Adaptation strategies exist and are available, but they need to be applied: the study by an international team of researchers from Boston University, Ca' Foscari University of Venice and the CMCC Foundation - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.
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Earliest memories can start from the age of two-and-a-half, new study shows

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
On average the earliest memories that people can recall point back to when they were just two-and-a-half years old, a new study suggests.
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The sun's clock

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Not only the 11-year cycle, but also all other periodic solar activity fluctuations can be clocked by planetary attractive forces, a conclusion drawn by Dr. Frank Stefani and colleagues at HZDR and the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics in Perm, Russia. With new model calculations, they are proposing a comprehensive explanation of known sun cycles for the first time. They also reveal the longest fluctuations in activity over thousands of years as a chaotic process.
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Novel magnet design with magic mirror-like properties

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Researchers at Tohoku University have demonstrated the designability of novel magnets with magic mirror-like characteristics in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (OIHP)-type compounds.
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Bionic reconstruction: New foot for 'Mia' the bearded vulture

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
With Oskar Aszmann and his team, MedUni Vienna has long been regarded as a world leader in bionic limb reconstruction. It was only last year that the world's first fully integrated bionic arm prosthesis was developed at MedUni Vienna. This is ready-to-use and is described as 'Plug and Play,' The technique has now been used for the very first time in a bearded vulture -- the creature was given a new foot.
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What happens in brain cells affected by Alzheimer's disease?

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
In addition to plaques that accumulate outside of nerve cells in the brain, Alzheimer's disease is also characterised by changes inside these cells. Researchers from the Cell Signalling research group at the Chair of Molecular Biochemistry at RUB, headed by Dr. Thorsten Müller, have been studying what exactly happens in these cells. They determined that various proteins and protein components accumulate in the cells, which also affect their functions.
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New glial cells discovered in the brain: Implications for brain repair

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Neurons, nerve cells in the brain, are central players in brain function. However, a key role for glia, long considered support cells, is emerging. A research group at the University of Basel has now discovered two new types of glial cells in the brain, by unleashing adult stem cells from their quiescent state. These new types of glia may play an important role in brain plasticity and repair.
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Meteorologists improve multivariable integrated evaluation method for climate model

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Meteorologists develop a new method to facilitate climate model evaluation and models inter-comparison.
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Black and white women have same mutations linked to breast cancer risk

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
The prevalence of genetic mutations associated with breast cancer in black and white women is the same.
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Lazy, hazy days no more: A call-to-action to better understand air pollution mechanisms

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
A special issue of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences summarizes current work on atmospheric oxidation capacity and advocates further investigations.
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How firms can navigate competitors' pitfalls without being 'tarred by the same brush'

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Advertising provides firm-specific information to investors in financial markets, which can help insulate a company from negative incidents happening to other firms in the same industry.
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Opto-mechanical non-reciprocity in fiber

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
The interactions between light and sound waves in optical media draw much attention in fundamental research and technological applications. In particular, acoustic waves can remove optical reciprocity: optical waves launched in opposite directions can be made to propagate in different manners. A research team from Bar-Ilan University, Israel, demonstrated such behavior for the first time in optical fibers that are widely available and employed. The results can form the basis for new sensor concepts.
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Data from community science is underutilized; new study aims to change that

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
New paper provides framework for how scientists can leverage community-generated data to monitor global biodiversity change and realize the full potential of community science
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Deep learning with SPECT accurately predicts major adverse cardiac events

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
An advanced artificial intelligence technique known as deep learning can predict major adverse cardiac events more accurately than current standard imaging protocols, according to research presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2021 Annual Meeting. Utilizing data from a registry of more than 20,000 patients, researchers developed a novel deep learning network that has the potential to provide patients with an individualized prediction of their annualized risk for adverse events.
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Big data: IPK researchers double accuracy in predicting wheat yields

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
In future, it will be increasingly important to be able to predict the yields of individual varieties of cereals such as wheat as accurately as possible in a given environment. An international research team led by the IPK Leibniz Institute has compiled, processed and analyzed extensive data sets for this purpose. Ultimately, Big Data was able to double the prediction accuracy for yield.
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Are we genetically 'grounded'?

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Scientists found that the ability to fly is embedded in birds' spinal cords. The team closely examined the neural networks of chicken and mice embryos and discovered that the genetic coding of the ephrin-B3 molecule in birds is fundamentally different than those of mammals and reptiles.
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Vitamin D deficiency may increase risk for addiction to opioids and ultraviolet rays

Eurekalert - Jun 11 2021 - 00:06
Lab animals deficient in vitamin D crave and become dependent on opioids, which is curbed when normal levels of the vitamin are restored. Human health records indicate that people with low vitamin D are more likely to use and misuse opioids. Study results suggest a potential role for vitamin D supplementation in fighting opioid addiction.
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