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Updated: 3 years 1 month ago

Realization of the highest laser intensity ever reached

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Scientists at the Institute for Basic Science realized the higest laser intensity reached in history. The record-breaking laser intensity over 1023 W/cm2 enables us to explore novel physical phenomena occurring under extreme physical conditions.
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Researchers produce laser pulses with record-breaking intensity

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Researchers have demonstrated a record-high laser pulse intensity of over 1023 W/cm2 using the petawatt laser at the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS), Institute for Basic Science in the Republic of Korea. It took more than a decade to reach this laser intensity, which is ten times that reported by a team at the University of Michigan in 2004. These ultrahigh intensity light pulses will enable exploration of complex interactions between light and matter in ways not possible before.
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New method boosts syngas generation from biopolyols

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Scientists proposed a new method to realize photocatalytic conversion of biopolyols to syngas at room temperature with high efficiency.
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Only 41% of people would sign up for COVID-19 trials says new report

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Research conducted by the University of Birmingham shows in order to have an effective Covid-19 vaccination rollout it has to be widely accepted by the entire population.
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New indicator for oxygen levels in early oceans developed

May 06 2021 - 00:05
A geoscientific research team led by scientists from the University of Cologne has come a decisive step closer to determining the oxygen levels in the early Earth's history by analysing the composition of tungsten isotopes / publication in PNAS
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Researchers find the secret behind maintaining a healthy weight loss

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Almost one in six people worldwide live with obesity, which may have serious health consequences. In the world's most recognized medical journal, Danish researchers now document how to effectively achieve and maintain a healthy weight loss.
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Significant progress in lithium-air battery development

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Research led by the University of Liverpool, in partnership with Johnson Matthey PLC and Loughborough University is making significant progress in the development of stable and practical electrolytes for lithium-oxygen batteries.
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Youngest children in class more likely to be diagnosed with learning disability

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Children born in December are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with a learning disorder as those born in January. ADHD was found not to affect the association between month of birth and the likelihood of a learning disability diagnosis.
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One third of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have lung changes after a year

May 06 2021 - 00:05
A new study has shown that most patients discharged from hospital after experiencing severe COVID-19 infection appear to return to full health, although up to a third do still have evidence of effects upon the lungs one year on.
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Pioneering study explores passengers' experiences of self-driving cars in winter conditions

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Trust, safety and security are the most important factors affecting passengers' attitudes towards self-driving cars. Younger people felt their personal security to be significantly better than older people.The findings are from a Finnish study into passengers' attitudes towards, and experiences of, self-driving cars. The study is also the first in the world to examine passengers' experiences of self-driving cars in winter conditions.
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T-GPS processes a graph with trillion edges on a single computer?

May 06 2021 - 00:05
A KAIST research team has developed a new technology that enables to process a large-scale graph algorithm without storing the graph in the main memory or on disks. Named as T-GPS (Trillion-scale Graph Processing Simulation) by the developer Professor Min-Soo Kim from the School of Computing at KAIST, it can process a graph with one trillion edges using a single computer.
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Diversity and universality of jamming

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Osaka University researchers studying maximally efficient packing showed that jamming transitions with random spheres follows universal rules. This work may help with industrial processes including glass annealing.
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Researchers discover novel non-coding RNAs regulating blood vessel formation

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have discovered previously unknown non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) involved in regulating the gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF), the master regulators of angiogenesis.
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Phonon imaging in 3D with a fiber probe

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Scientists at the University of Nottingham have developed an ultrasonic imaging system which can be deployed on the tip of a hair-thin optical fibre. The device is the first ultrasonic fibre imaging tool to breach the GHz frequency range; a regime in which mechanical vibrations begin to behave as particles (phonons). This frequency range unlocks unprecedented imaging resolution for ultrasonic fibre-probes, which could be used to probe disease on the cellular level in hard-to-reach environments.
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Evidence suggests bubonic plague had long-term effect on human immunity genes

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Scientists examining the remains of 36 bubonic plague victims from a 16th century mass grave in Germany have found the first evidence that evolutionary adaptive processes, driven by the disease, may have conferred immunity on later generations of people from the region.
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Researchers develop better way to determine safe drug doses for children

May 06 2021 - 00:05
To make drugs and their development safer for children, researchers at Aalto University and the pharmaceutical company Novartis have developed a method that could help determine safe drug doses more quickly. In their study, the team created a model of how organs develop that is more data-driven and consequently less prone to bias.
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Alzheimer's study: A Mediterranean diet might protect against memory loss and dementia

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Alzheimer's disease is caused by protein deposits in the brain and the rapid loss of brain matter. But a Mediterranean diet rich in fish, vegetables and olive oil might protect the brain from these disease triggers. Experts from the DZNE report on this in a recent study. Their findings are published in the May 5, 2021 online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
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Zero to hero: Overlooked material could help reduce our carbon footprint

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Reducing the amount of CO2 in our environment is crucial for mitigating climate change and needs materials that can adsorb CO2 from air under ambient conditions. In a new study, scientists from Japan explore the CO2 adsorption properties of zeolite, which has been overlooked in this regard, and report an unprecedented selective adsorption behavior in the extremely lower pressure region and at room temperature, paving the way for its future applications in air purification.
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Novel tool could fast-track cell discoveries

May 06 2021 - 00:05
Researchers from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University have uncovered a new protein analysis tool - coined the Bacterial Growth Inhibition Screen (BGIS) - that could fast-track the process of assessing proteins.
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Epilepsy research reveals why sleep increases risk of sudden death

May 06 2021 - 00:05
To understand the effect of sleep seizures, UVA Health researchers monitored the brain and heart activity of people with epilepsy as they slept.
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