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Updated: 3 years 1 month ago

A new water treatment technology could also help Mars explorers

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
A UC Riverside-led team created a catalyst from molybdenum fertilizer that reduces >99.9% of perchlorate in water and could be used to clean soil on Mars and make oxygen for human explorers.
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Salt marshes trap microplastics in their sediments, creating record of human plastic use

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) Ecosystems Center report that microplastics have been accumulating in salt marshes for decades, creating a historical record of human plastic waste.
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Mayo Clinic study provides clarity on use of anticoagulants in gastrointestinal cancers

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- A study by Mayo Clinic researchers provides some clarity in the use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), such as apixaban and rivaroxaban, to treat acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients with gastrointestinal cancers. The findings were published Wednesday, June 2, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
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Mason scientists explore herbal treatment for COVID-19

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Could an over-the-counter health "shot" help fight COVID-19? George Mason University researchers think it just might. Cell and Bioscience recently highlighted research led by Yuntao Wu and Ramin Hakami in which they examined the potential anti-coronavirus activities of an over-the-counter drink called Respiratory Detox Shot (RDS).
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New findings offer improved therapy of early-stage, BRCA mutation-associated breast cancer

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
A new treatment with potential to improve the outcomes for patients with hereditary BRCA mutations and high-risk, early-stage breast cancer appeared June 3 in the New England Journal of Medicine and will be presented June 6 at the 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting. These results represent the first time a PARP inhibitor has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer returning in high-risk patients following completion of standard chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy.
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Story tips from Johns Hopkins experts on COVID-19

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Story tips from Johns Hopkins experts on COVID-19
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70-year-old coffee-killing fungus brought back to life to fight the disease

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Researchers have re-animated specimens of a fungus that causes coffee wilt to discover how the disease evolved and how its spread can be prevented.
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Neurological symptoms like fatigue common in mild COVID

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as fatigue and depression are common among people with Covid-19 and may be just as likely in people with mild cases, according to a new review study led by a UCL researcher.
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Many COVID-19 patients produce immune responses against their body's tissues or organs

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
A University of Birmingham-led study funded by the UK Coronavirus Immunology Consortium has found that many patients with COVID-19 produce immune responses against their body's own tissues or organs.
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Anxieties about side-effects and perceived trial uncertainties driving vaccine hesitancy

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Concerns about side effects and whether vaccines have been through enough testing are holding people back from getting vaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new report.
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Arctic sea ice thinning faster than expected

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Sea ice thickness is inferred by measuring the height of the ice above the water, and this measurement is distorted by snow weighing the ice floe down. Scientists adjust for this using a map of snow depth in the Arctic that is decades out of date. In the new study, researchers swapped this map for the results of a new computer model designed to estimate snow depth as it varies year to year.
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Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine recipients have lower antibody levels targeting the Delta variant

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Levels of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated people that are able to recognise and fight the new SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant first discovered in India (B.1.617.2) are on average lower than those against previously circulating variants in the UK, according to new laboratory data from the Francis Crick Institute and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) UCLH Biomedical Research Centre, published as a Research letter in The Lancet.
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Prior COVID-19 infection reduces infection risk for up to 10 months

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
For the study, published in Lancet Healthy Longevity, researchers looked at rates of Covid-19 infections between October and February among more than 2,000 care home residents and staff, comparing those who had evidence of a previous infection up to 10 months earlier, as determined by antibody testing, with those who had not been previously infected.
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Immunotherapy drug delays recurrence in kidney cancer patients

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Treatment with an immunotherapy drug following kidney cancer surgery, prolonged disease-free survival rates in patients at high risk for recurrence, according to an interim report of a phase 3 clinical trial of adjuvant immunotherapy in this patient population.
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Immunotherapy after bladder cancer surgery may reduce recurrence, study shows

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
ew research from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) medical oncologist Dean Bajorin, MD, and colleagues found that patients who received nivolumab (Opdivo®) after bladder cancer surgery reduced their overall risk for high-grade bladder cancer recurrence. This research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
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Cultural, belief system data can inform gray wolf recovery efforts in US

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
The study reveals that Colorado's social environment is far more conducive to wolf recovery than states like Montana and Idaho, which currently have state legislative efforts to reduce wolf populations.
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New algorithm for modern quilting

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
When it comes to the art of quilting, determining the feasibility and order of steps in advanced patterns can be notoriously complicated - and frustrating. By automating that process, a new algorithm enables quilters to focus on design and creation.
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The dream team: Scientists find drug duo that may cure COVID-19 together

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
While preventative care for COVID-19 has made much noise (with vaccines having rolled out in most countries), the soaring infection rates indicate the need for effective treatments. Using cultured cells to study SARS-CoV-2 infections, researchers at the Tokyo University of Science and other institutions have discovered that the drugs cepharanthine and nelfinavir are effective at combating the virus, with the former preventing the virus from entering cells and the latter preventing the virus from replicating.
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Mockingbird song decoded

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Mockingbirds follow similar musical rules as those found in human music, from Beethoven to Kendrick Lamar.
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Athletic competition after COVID

Jun 03 2021 - 00:06
Cardiovascular imaging demonstrated no evidence of myocardial injury or myocarditis in athletes after COVID-19 infection, according to a research letter published in Circulation by Le Bonheur Children's Hospital and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center cardiologists.
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